
Nalezeno "usb": 191

Wake Up To Hell: Someone Got Doom Running On Nintendo's Alarm Clock

Once again, someone has taken a device that was never intended to play Doom and, with some tinkering, gotten it to do exactly that. This time around, someone has got Id Software’s classic and forever popular FPS running on a Nintendo Alarmo, providing us with possibly one of the worst ways to play...

Your Wet iPhone Rice Trick Sucks, Apple Says

Saving a wet iPhone by putting it in a bowl or bag of uncooked rice has been a popular go-to rescue method for years, with the logic being that the rice absorbs the excess water from the phone. However, the God of iPhones has recently warned poor mortals against resorting to rice in these...

Také USB má babičku a dědečka. TOP5 historických počítačových konektorů

Sériový port RS-232, čili sériový port; historie této technologie sahá až do roku 1960 a je velmi bohatá. Existuje spousta odvozenin a nestandardností, nicméně nejčastěji se setkáte s devítipinovým konektorem D-Sub. Sériový port dnes v běžné spotřební elektronice už nenajdete, ale v průmyslu se

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