
Nalezeno "European Central Bank": 187

Christine Lagarde Nominated As Next President Of European Central Bank

The European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund are perhaps two of the most important institutions in the world, and hence, it does not come as a surprise that the former has tapped the latter’s chief for the top job. In a new development, it has emerged that the ECB has nominated...

G20 Countries Start Implementing Unified Cryptocurrency Standards

As the G20 summit approaches, member countries have been discussing how to implement the standards set by intergovernmental organizations such as the Financial Action Task Force. While there may be some challenges in complying with the standards, the European Central Bank says the risks crypto...

After Trillions Printed Under QE, Politicians Now Say Deficits Don’t Matter

When quantitative easing (QE) was introduced, it was likened to a drug, with central banks making an emergency injection of money to resuscitate the global economy. Now it seems that some politicians have gotten addicted to this drug, going as far as to claim that government deficits don’t...

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