
Nalezeno "Flight": 208

Creating Scheduled Push Notifications

Scheduled is the key word there — that’s a fairly new thing! When a push notification is scheduled (i.e. “Take your pill” or “You’ve got a flight in 3 hours”) that means it can be shown to the user even if they’ve gone offline. That’s an improvement from the past where push notification...

China Saw $11.4 Billion in Crypto-Based Capital Flight Last Year

On January 8, China-based blockchain security firm Peckshield published its “2019 Global Digital Asset AML Research Report” noting a variety of crypto trends throughout the year. According to the study, cryptocurrency-based capital flight stemming from China was around $11.4 billion...

Fantastic Flight API with aviationstack (Sponsored)

I didn’t fly until I was 25 years of age — I was hopeless in knowing I had to be there early, the process of security, and the whole gate structure. Now that I’ve flown dozens of times for Mozilla, I feel much more comfortable with the process of flying, but feel less comfortable...

Ethereum Proponent Virgil Griffith Deemed a Flight Risk, Judge Denies Bail

U.S. law enforcement filed in November criminal charges against Ethereum researcher Virgil Griffith because he traveled to North Korea and taught “his audience how to use blockchain technology.” Griffith was arrested on Thanksgiving Day and has been forced to remain in prison the whole...

Buy Presents or a Christmas Trip Using Gift Cards Purchased With Crypto

Gift cards have become a popular payment tool for cryptocurrency users. Plenty of platforms now offer a wide variety of cards which can be purchased with your digital coins. You can use them to buy just about any product or service from major and small retailers, order food and drinks, or book...

Bitcoin Cash Community Funds Eatbch Trip to Ghana

This week members of the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) community donated funds to Eatbch South Sudan volunteer Thiong Deng so he could spread the word about the benefits of BCH at the Young African Leaders Summit. According to Deng, his journey to Uganda and Ghana has been fully funded which includes flight...

Blíží se betaverze Microsoft Flight Simulator. Brzy si konečně zalétáme

Červnové oznámení o chystaném pokračování leteckého simulátoru Microsoft Flight Simulator bylo jedním z největších překvapení konference Electronic Entertainment Expo (označované jako E3). Zájemce o tento herní žánr jistě potěšila informace, že koncem srpna vyjde první testovací verze. Termín se

PR: Remco – Powerful Distributed Token Generating Platform – Token-Generating Platform for Money Transfer currently trading on Digifinex has announced it's sponsoring blockchain Finance Lagos conference event in Africa's largest market, Nigeria. Offering free flight ticket and accommodation to the qualified speakers. The post PR: Remco...

Market Outlook: Trade Wars and Filthy Fiat Battles Fuel Crypto Prices

A slew of digital currencies have gathered decent gains over the last 48 hours and the entire market capitalization now stands at around $308 billion. Moreover, cryptocurrency trade volumes have kicked up a notch, capturing $66 billion in swaps over the last day. Overall, speculators think...

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