
Nalezeno "Op-ed": 215

The Most Important Aspect of Bitcoin Is the Separation of Money and State

Many cryptocurrency supporters believe the technology allows for the separation of money and state in a manner that’s never been seen before. Governments inflict two forms of robbery against nonviolent citizens by forcing them to pay taxes while also stealing from them silently through...

IRS Revoking Passports Shows How Government Erodes Everything We Hold Dear

If you have outstanding tax debt, the IRS may now want to take your passport. For U.S. crypto holders still waiting on promised IRS guidelines for filing — especially those overseas who may have missed these warning memos — the over 400,000 agency notifications issued since February...

Can the Fed Kill Bitcoin? Navigating the Chokepoints of Tax Law and KYC

Taxes. The one word that can kill any buzz in seconds flat. Whether you’re a libertarian ranting about how taxation is theft or one of those fabled creatures who is actually happy to file them as their so-called civic duty, one fact remains: those who don’t give the government a bite...

From Spartacus to Satoshi: A Brief History of Economic Rebellion

Government dominance of human beings via slavery and violent economic oppression is as old as government itself. For thousands and thousands of years kings and rulers, usually held to be “appointed by God,” have used free, non-violent individuals as their tax farm livestock to exploit...

From Booze to Bitcoin Mining – Why Violent Prohibition Is Always Harmful

Stories continue to emerge about newly discovered illegal mining operations being busted by state and corporate authorities. Just last week Iranian media reported the seizure of 177 Bitcoin mining units worth over $270,000 being smuggled via truck in the Arak region. On July 31, Russia’s...

The Modern Era of Free Range Slaves: How Bitcoin Breaks the Mold

In a string of recent Tweets, 2020 Libertarian presidential candidate and fugitive from the law John McAfee has been talking about slavery. Urging people to “wake up” and assuring them that neither compliance with the status quo, nor stacks of riches, can set them free. Indeed, when...

Crypto Is Part of Free Speech, and Free Speech Is Everything

On July 23, U.S. Attorney General William Barr gave a speech demanding big players in the tech industry work with government agencies in providing backdoor entry points for encrypted devices and software. Per his reasoning, certain devices and messaging services pose a safety threat by providing...

Is Bitcoin Money? Revisiting Mises’ Regression Theorem

Over 100 years after the publication of Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises’ “The Theory of Money and Credit,” the ideas outlined therein are still sparking hot debate. Namely, what is known as Mises’ Regression Theorem, which claims that in order for something to be money...

Deutsche Bank Collapse Could Crash Global Financial Markets

German financial services giant Deutsche Bank AG is one of the largest and most important economic institutions in the world. Mainly due to self-imposed scandals, the bank is now having to taking drastic measures to stay afloat. Investors everywhere should note that if such a critical piece of...

Bitcoin and Voluntaryism – Where Libertarian Philosophy Meets Crypto

For the uninitiated, voluntaryism is a philosophy based on consent. In the simplest terms it says: “If it’s not voluntary, it’s not moral.” This basic statement is often countered with “Yes, but not everyone agrees on that, some people use violence to get what they...

What Are Dollars Used for, President Trump? – The Gun Money Known as USD

Donald Trump has taken to Twitter yet again, and this time he’s talking about bitcoin and the superiority of the United States dollar. Bashing lack of regulation and potential for criminal activity inherent to crypto, Trump claims the U.S. fiat will always be the strongest currency in...

JP Morgan Chase Ship Busted: Cocaine, Banks and the Failed Drug War

A ship seized by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency in June carrying over 15,000 kilos of cocaine has now been tied to JP Morgan Chase’s asset management unit. Officially the company does not exercise any operational control of the vessel, but some serious questions are raised when...

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