Další průšvih na obzoru? Demo Forspoken je spíš varování než reklama
Konečně jsme dostali možnost zahrát si několikrát odloženou hru Forspoken, příliš radosti nám to ale neudělalo. Její svět je prázdný, souboje nenápadité a grafika zdaleka nevypadá tak dobře jako v prvních trailerech
Máte PlayStation 5? Ochutnejte demo Forspoken
This AI chatbot is either an exploiter's dream or their nightmare
The crypto community has come across an AI-powered chatbot that can be used to audit smart contracts and expose vulnerabilities
Awesome Demos Roundup #22
The latest collection of the most creative and inspiring demos and code experiments from around the web
12 Extraordinary Games You'll Want On Your Wishlist Straight Away
It’s Black Friday, the day on which the entirety of planet Earth entirely takes leaves of its senses and spends all its money on stuff it doesn’t need for 5 percent less than it would have cost yesterday. Planet Earth this year has bought itself an entirely new moon, even though the old one’s fine...
Vrchol drzosti. Ukradli volně dostupné demo a zpeněžili jej na Steamu
Nezávislý vývojář Tyson Butler-Boschma uchvátil fanoušky hratelným prototypem neoficiální hry o Supermanovi, který nezištně nabízel na internetu zadarmo. K jeho nemalému překvapení ovšem jeho práci někdo nahrál do digitálního obchodu Steam a účtoval si za ni 250 korun. A aby toho nebylo málo, ještě...
How to Internationalize Numbers with JavaScript
Presenting numbers in a readable format takes many forms, from visual charts to simply adding punctuation. Those punctuation, however, are different based on internationalization. Some countries use , for decimal, while others use .. Worried about having to code for all this madness? Don’t...
Správce hesel 1Password chystá přihlašování přes passkeys, ukázal demo
Jak bude vypadat budoucnost přihlašování k online službám bez hesel? Správce hesel 1Password zveřejnil jednoduchou ukázku využití tzv. passkeys, na které si to mohou lidé vyzkoušet (je ovšem potřeba mít u služby účet a mít nainstalované rozšíření v prohlížeči)
Vyšlo demo akčního fotbalu Mario Strikers: Battle League
Locate Empty Directories from Command Line
As a software engineer that lives too much of his life on a computer, I like keeping my machine as clean as possible. I don’t keep rogue downloaded files and removes apps when I don’t need them. Part of keeping a clean, performant system is removing empty directories. To identify empty...
How to Extend Prototypes with JavaScript
One of the ideological sticking points of the first JavaScript framework was was extending prototypes vs. wrapping functions. Frameworks like MooTools and Prototype extended prototypes while jQuery and other smaller frameworks did not. Each had their benefits, but ultimately all these years later...
How to Use window.crypto in Node.js
I’ve been writing a bunch of jest tests recently for libraries that use the underlying window.crypto methods like getRandomValues() and window.crypto.subtle key management methods. One problem I run into is that the window.crypto object isn’t available, so I need to shim it. To use...
Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius with JavaScript
The United States is one of the last bodies that refuses to implement the Celsius temperature standard. Why? Because we’re arrogant and feel like we don’t need to change. With that said, if you code for users outside the US, it’s important to provide localized weather data...
Create a Thumbnail From a Video with ffmpeg
Creating a thumbnail to represent a video is a frequent task when presenting media on a website. I previously created a shell script to create a preview video from a larger video, much like many adult sites provide. Let’s view how we can create a preview thumbnail from a video! Developers...
Detect System Theme Preference Change Using JavaScript
JavaScript and CSS allow users to detect the user theme preference with CSS’ prefers-color-scheme media query. It’s standard these days to use that preference to show the dark or light theme on a given website. But what if the user changes their preference while using your app?...
Clean A Demon's Sex Toys In This Punk Slice-Of-Life Game
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How to Use Storage in Web Extensions
Working on a web extension is an interesting experience — you get to taste web while working with special extension APIs. One such API is storage — the web extension flavor of persistence. Let’s explore how you can use session and local storage within your Manifest V3...
Manuel Matuzovic: max() Trickery
By way of a post by Manuel Matuzović which is by way of a demo by Temani Afif.
.wrapper {
margin-inline: max(0px, ((100% - 64rem) / 2));
You’d be doing yourself a favor to read Manuel’s breakdown of …
Manuel Matuzovic: max() Trickery originally published on CSS-Tricks, which...
A Pure CSS Gallery Focus Effect with :not
Oftentimes in the past, I needed to figure out how to add styles to all elements inside the container but not the hovered one.
Demo of the expected “fade-out” effect on siblings to let users “focus” on a particular element.…
A Pure CSS Gallery Focus Effect with :not...
Zahrajte si demo akce Destroy All Humans! 2: Reprobed