
Nalezeno "retro": 301

Retro Horror Steam Shooter Nails That Unsettling Halloween Vibe

Don’t let the highly stylized art fool you. The first-person shooter Forgive Me Father is unsettling because of its flat comic-book graphics, not in spite of them. At first, I was charmed by how the art style made the game feel like a distant cousin to Paper Mario. By the end of the second level,...

GTA Has A Weird History On Nintendo Consoles

Grand Theft Auto is one of the biggest, most popular video game franchises in history. It has sold millions of games across nearly every platform released since the PS1 and courted more controversy than perhaps any other video game series ever created. And it’s done all this while mostly avoiding...

Hrát staré klasiky nebylo nikdy jednodušší. ScummVM oslavil 20. výročí

Jeden z nejpopulárnějších emulátorů starých počítačových her původně vznikl jako jednorázový projekt, když si student informatiky Ludvig Strigeus chtěl na novém počítači zahrát klasickou adventuru Monkey Island 2. Dnes jich ScummVM podporuje stovky, využívá se v komerční sféře a na jeho rozvoji...

Správce kempu už 35 let používá stejné Atari ST, software si napsal sám

Nizozemec Frans Bos spravuje již třicet pět let svoji administrativu na klasickém počítači Atari ST s pouhým jedním megabajtem operační paměti. Navzdory jeho zastaralosti je s ním maximálně spokojený, a jelikož si software napsal přímo pro vlastní potřebu, nevidí žádný důvod ke změně

Po 40 letech programátor opravil chybu, kvůli níž jeho hra nešla dohrát

Čtyři dekády poté, co úspěšně prodal svoji herní prvotinu Arctic Adventure, zjistil její autor Harry McCracken, že její kód obsahuje zásadní chybu, která znemožňovala dohrání hry. Nakonec ji kromě samotné opravy ještě lehce vylepšil a zpřístupnil zdarma přímo z internetového prohlížeče

The New Gaming Console That's Become A Giant Car Crash, Explained

On October 22, 2018, Intellivision unveiled the Amico, a family-friendly retro console. The pitch: The games would be simple to play and cost no more than $8. The console itself would retail at about $180 with all games being exclusive to the console. In that initial trailer, the Amico was given...

That Time Miyamoto Helped A Game By Crouching In It For 20 Mins

A former Retro Studios developer’s anecdote about working with legendary Nintendo designer Shigeru Miyamoto is too good not to share. It will surprise no one that the Mario creator knows exactly what he’s doing (most of the time) but hearing about how he works in practice adds a whole other layer...

And Now, The Ultimate Retro Gaming Device

You may have heard rumblings of a magical box capable of flawlessly running games from old-school arcade titles up through the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis. That box is called the MiSTer, and over the past couple of years, it’s completely transformed the retro emulation scene. I’ve been playing...

Big Boy Kraid Returns In Metroid Dread

Nintendo dropped some new Metroid Dread info this morning, complete with a video detailing the different skills franchise heroine Samus Aran brings to the table in the upcoming Switch game when it launches on October 8. But this all pales in comparison to the reveal that Kraid, a secondary...

YouTuber Accuses Million-Dollar Retro Game Sales Of Being Scams

Vintage video games, like factory-sealed copies of The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario Bros. for the Nintendo Entertainment System, have suddenly started selling for eye-popping prices, and a new video documentary claims potential fraud could be a big part of the reason why. It effectively charges...

RETRO: Brutalita Soldier of Fortune byla extrémní i z dnešního pohledu

V době svého vydání děsila střílečka Soldier of Fortune většinové publikum explicitním zobrazením násilí. Z odstupem více než dvaceti let od jejího vydání ovšem můžeme s klidným svědomím říct, že pod gejzíry virtuální krve se skrývala i mimořádně povedená hra

A New Retro Shooter About Helping People Dress Better

Do I have a passion for fashion? No. Not at all. My style is a mix of old shirts I won’t get rid of and comfy shorts and pants. But while my own style is terrible and would make Tim Gunn shake his head, in Fashion Police Squad I can help the rest of the world look better using silly weapons...

The Commodore Amiga Gets A Mini Version

Dubbed the THEA500 Mini, this is the latest gaming machine to get a mini version. Retro Games Ltd. is releasing what it says is a fully-licensed homage early next year. Inspired by the Amiga 500, it’s packed with 25 Amiga games, including Worms, The Chaos Engine, Another World, and Simon...

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