The Pop Culture Highlights and Lowlights of 2020
In a year full of all kinds of bad real-world news, pop culture still managed to poke its head up periodically to remind us that not everything sucks. Of course, this being 2020, that same realm also managed to leave a few steaming piles for us to step in, too. Here are our picks for the year’s...
The Physics of Tenet Is Shaky, but It Still Kicks Ass
“Don’t try to understand it,” a scientist tells the protagonist of Tenet, as she briefly explains the physics of Christopher Nolan’s $205-million, time-traveling spy thriller. Sure, the physics is often unrealistic and confusing, but it’s fascinating. And with its many Easter eggs, Tenet sets...
US Representatives Add Digital Currencies to the 2021 Defense Bill
The United States government is preparing to pass the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and the latest bill includes a broad definition of currencies and includes “digital currencies.” However, after more than 50 NDAA bills passed, President Donald Trump plans to veto...
Warner startuje revoluci. Filmy zamíří ve stejný den do kin i na HBO Max
CryptoKitties Creator Raises $11 Million from Warner, A16z to Launch Own Blockchain
Warner Music is collaborating with Dapper Labs (the company behind CryptoKitties) to create a new blockchain called Flow
Warner Music to Build Token on New Blockchain by CryptoKitties Creator
Media giant Warner Music will create tokens using Flow, a new blockchain developed by CryptoKitties creator Dapper Labs
[aktualita] Zpravodajská CNN je nově vedena jako samostatná součást Warner Media
Několik dní po multimilionové fúzi mezi společnostmi Time Warner a AT&T opustila nejznámější zpravodajská stanice Cable News Network (CNN) programové portfolio TurnernBroadcasting System a stala se samostatnou divizí (subsidiary) Warner Media. A to i přesto, že předtím bylo oznámeno, že aktivity...
[aktualita] Obří mediální fůze mez firmami AT&T a Time Warner byla včera schválena
Americký telekomunikační gigant AT&T včera oznámil ukončení převzetí mediální skupiny Time Warner, do jejíhož portfolia patří i tuzemská skupina Nova. Ve čtvrtek odpoledne ministerstvo spravedlnosti uvedlo, že nebude dále žádat zastavení fúze, a obě společnosti se spolu s ministerstvem...