Quickly Get Alerted to Front-End Errors and Performance Issues
(This is a sponsored post.)
Measuring things is great. They say what you only fix what you measure. Raygun is great at measuring websites. Measuring performance, measuring errors and crashes, measuring code problems.
You know what’s even better than …
The post Quickly Get Alerted...
Digital Foundry's YouTube Channel Hacked By Cryptobros, Gets Taken Down
The YouTube channel of technical experts Digital Foundry has been taken down for violating community guidelines after it was first hacked and then began broadcasting some crypto scam bullshit earlier today.Read more
Nice Ruins You Got Here
Ellie Cooper is an artist based in the UK who has done stuff for companies like Disney and Google.Read more
Inspirational Websites Roundup #31
A new collection of the most interesting and creative websites from the past couple of weeks.
The post Inspirational Websites Roundup #31 appeared first on Codrops
Inspirational Websites Roundup #31
A new collection of the most interesting and creative websites from the past couple of weeks.
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Some Chinese Crypto Websites ‘Still Operational,’ Says State Media
Some Chinese sites are “still selling” crypto, raising funds in tokens like bitcoin (BTC) and ethereum (ETH), and circulating crypto-related news stories from within the Mainland, a report has claimed, citing evidence from government-aligned agencies....
Read More: Some Chinese Crypto Websites...
Collective #686
Codeamigo * MangoDB * Coding Font * Developer Tools secrets that shouldn’t be secrets
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On Pornhub, Math Teacher Makes His Mark Teaching Calculus
When you think of Pornhub, you probably think of pornography, right? For good reason, the site is wall-to-wall porn. But one math teacher named Changshu noticed something was missing: math. “Since very few people teach math on adult video platforms, and since there are so many people who watch...
How to Build a Nearly Headless WordPress Website
I believe that a traditional WordPress theme should be able to work as effectively as a static site or a headless web app. The overwhelming majority of WordPress websites are built with a good ol’ fashioned WordPress theme. Most of …
The post How to Build a Nearly Headless WordPress...
Court Ruling Threatens 17 Crypto Exchanges in Russia
Another batch of Russian online crypto exchanges in Russia face closure following a recent decision by a regional court. Information published on their websites has been deemed illegal meaning the country’s telecom watchdog can block access to their platforms. Roskomnadzor May Take Down...
Websites We Like: MD Nichrome
Here’s a beautiful website: it’s a type specimen for Mass-Driver’s ever-so-lovely type family MD Nichrome. There’s a ton of nifty animations and graphics explaining all the features inside…
If you’re wondering how those animations work, they’re actually styled...
Inspirational Websites Roundup #30
A roundup of creative websites collected over the past couple of weeks that stand out with their great design and interactivity.
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This Is Awkward, But The Most Searched Word On Bing Is 'Google'
Google is currently in court over an antitrust order filed in 2018 by the European Union. Along with the order, it received a nearly $5 billion fine after the tech giant was accused of allegedly using unfair tactics to crush any competing search engines, creating a monopoly in the market. Google...
CFTC Charges 14 Trading Platforms Offering Crypto-Related Investments
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has charged 14 trading platforms that claim to offer crypto-related investments but have either failed to register with the CFTC or falsely claimed to be registered. These websites also exhibit other signs of being scams. 14 Entities Charged by CFTC...
China’s Great Firewall Censors Crypto Websites Coingecko, Coinmarketcap, Tradingview
On September 28, reports stemming from social media and crypto-focused forums detailed that China has been blocking a number of cryptocurrency websites. The Twitter handle for 8btc News tweeted that the web portals and have been blocked from mainland China....
It’s not every day you see a new processor for building websites that reinvents the syntax for HTML and CSS and JavaScript. That’s what imba is doing.
That’s an awful lot of vendor lock-in, but I guess if you get …
The post imba appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support...
Static Site Generators vs. CMS-powered Websites: How to Keep Marketers and Devs Happy
(This is a sponsored post.)
Many developers love working with static site generators like Gatsby and Hugo. These powerful yet flexible systems help create beautiful websites using familiar tools like Markdown and React. Nearly every popular modern programming …
The post Static Site...
Frameworks Helping Image Usage
I recently blogged about how images are hard and it ended up being a big ol’ checklist of things that you could/should think about and implement when placing images on websites.
I think it’s encouraging to see frameworks — these …
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The Story Behind TryShape, a Showcase for the CSS clip-path property
I love shapes, especially colorful ones! Shapes on websites are in the same category of helpfulness as background colors, images, banners, section separators, artwork, and many more: they can help us understand context and inform our actions through affordances.
A …
The post The Story Behind...
Inspirational Websites Roundup #29
A new collection of the best web designs and creative websites from the past couple of weeks.
The post Inspirational Websites Roundup #29 appeared first on Codrops