
Nalezeno "source": 2232

Defining “View Source”

Last time there was a little flurry of activity around the concept of “View Source,” I did get the sense that not everyone was on the same page about what that even means. Jim Nielsen: First, when we talk about “View Source” what precisely are we talking about? I think this is...

This vs. That

Here’s a nice site from Phuoc Nguyen, who I’ve noted before has quite a knack for clever sites. This vs. That pits different related concepts against each other as a theme for an article. For example, CSS has display: none;, opacity: 0;, and visibility: hidden; and they all, on...

What I Learned by Fixing One Line of CSS in an Open Source Project

I was browsing the Svelte docs on my iPhone and came across a blaring UI bug. The notch in the in the REPL knob was totally out of whack. I’m always looking to contribute to open source, and I thought this would be a quick and easy fix. Turns out, there was a lot more to it than just changing...

[aktualita] Vznikla nová asociace za bezpečnější open source

Pod hlavičkou neziskové organizace The Linux Foundation, která zastřešuje vývoj linuxového jádra a dalších open source projektů, vznikla tento týden nová iniciativa Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF). Chce prosazovat bezpečnější otevřený software. Ve správní radě nové nadace zasedají...

style9: build-time CSS-in-JS

In April of last year, Facebook revealed its big new redesign. An ambitious project, it was a rebuild of a large site with a massive amount of users. To accomplish this, they used several technologies they have created and open-sourced, such as React, GraphQL, Relay, and a new CSS-in-JS library...

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