The Raw, Savage Capitalism of Open-Source Protocols
Recapping the biggest stories of the week, including Joe Biden’s China plan, a market holding pattern and, of course, the strange competitive saga of SUSHI
Defining “View Source”
Last time there was a little flurry of activity around the concept of “View Source,” I did get the sense that not everyone was on the same page about what that even means. Jim Nielsen:
First, when we talk about “View Source” what precisely are we talking about? I think this is...
The company behind Zcash just made its new source code public
The implementation of this technology promises to remove the need for trusted setups
Aave Protocol Outpaces Maker With $1.4B Locked, Defi Project Granted UK Electronic Money License
The decentralized finance (defi) open-source protocol built on Ethereum, Aave, has surpassed the Maker Dao project in terms of total-value-locked (TVL) this week. The lending and borrowing platform Aave has $1.43 billion locked on Tuesday climbing 7.7% in the last 24-hours. On August 25, the defi...
[aktualita] České Glami vydává open source nástroj pro práci se strojovým účením
Také v Česku se pomalu místy začíná objevovat poměrně běžná praxe velkých světových technologických firem spočívající v uvolňování interně vyvinutých nástrojů jako open source. Módní e-commerce vyhledávač Glami spadající pod Miton vydal balíček nazvaný Cortex Serving Client, který je k dispozici...
This vs. That
Here’s a nice site from Phuoc Nguyen, who I’ve noted before has quite a knack for clever sites. This vs. That pits different related concepts against each other as a theme for an article. For example, CSS has display: none;, opacity: 0;, and visibility: hidden; and they all, on...
Open Source DeFi Data Platfrom DIA Raises $15M Through Token Sale
Marketed as an open-source data aggregator for DeFi markets, DIA announced on Friday that the $15 million were raised through selling the firm’s governance token
Open-Source DeFi Data Platform DIA Raises $15M Through Token Sale
Marketed as an open-source data aggregator for DeFi markets, DIA announced on Friday that the $15 million were raised through selling the firm’s governance token
What I Learned by Fixing One Line of CSS in an Open Source Project
I was browsing the Svelte docs on my iPhone and came across a blaring UI bug. The notch in the in the REPL knob was totally out of whack. I’m always looking to contribute to open source, and I thought this would be a quick and easy fix. Turns out, there was a lot more to it than just changing...
[článek] Je možné vydat státem vyvinutou aplikaci jako open source? Přečtěte si právní analýzu
[2 minuty čtení] Příklad z Nemocnice Na Bulovce ukazuje, že to může být problém. Platforma Golemio od Operátora ICT ale dokázala, že to jde. Nejenom odborné publikum zaujal náš nedávný rozhovor s náměstkem pro IT v Nemocnici Na Bulovce Martinem Konířem. Ten v něm popsal, jak jeho tým chtěl...
The Linux Foundation Wants Open-Source Tech to Address Future Pandemics
The Linux Foundation hopes open-source apps will play a key role in tracing exposure to diseases like COVID-19 while being fully transparent
Crypto Long & Short: 51% Attacks and Open-Source Value
Ethereum Classic's recent 51% attacks highlight the value of large open-source networks such as Bitcoin and Eth – it’s about more than hashrate
[aktualita] Do české Open-source Aliance vstoupil Deloitte, má pomoci se státní správou
Česká Open-source Aliance získala nového velkého korporátního člena. Stala se jím poradenská společnost Deloitte, která je tak sedmým členem tohoto relativně mladého spolku, jenž chce prosazovat open source ve státní správě. “Očekávám od ní [Deloitte] pomoc především v oblasti consultingu...
China’s Open Source Development Has Lessons for the US
While the U.S. complains about TikTok and Chinese IP theft, China is forging a new form of development based on open source networks
[aktualita] Vznikla nová asociace za bezpečnější open source
Pod hlavičkou neziskové organizace The Linux Foundation, která zastřešuje vývoj linuxového jádra a dalších open source projektů, vznikla tento týden nová iniciativa Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF). Chce prosazovat bezpečnější otevřený software. Ve správní radě nové nadace zasedají...
What People Who Aren’t Bullish on Bitcoin Still Like About It
Working with open-source software changes the development process, according to this researcher who interviewed hundreds of technologists across projects
US Regulator Zeroes in on Binance Chain as SEC Awards Monitoring Contract to Ciphertrace
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) intends to award a fixed-price contract on a single source basis to Ciphertrace. The SEC is awarding the contract to the blockchain monitoring company as it plans focus on BNB coin, as well as other tokens on the Binance’s DEX. The BNB token...
style9: build-time CSS-in-JS
In April of last year, Facebook revealed its big new redesign. An ambitious project, it was a rebuild of a large site with a massive amount of users. To accomplish this, they used several technologies they have created and open-sourced, such as React, GraphQL, Relay, and a new CSS-in-JS library...
Polkadot Raises $43M in 72-Hour Private Sale: Source
A second private sale of the Polkadot token (DOT) has netted some 3,982.07 BTC worth an estimated $43.3 million as of press time, according to sources
Crypto Social Network ‘Minds’ Sees Users Flock From Twitter and Facebook Over Privacy Concerns
Crypto social media platform Minds has been garnering users who are concerned about their privacy, according to the company’s CEO. The open-source platform, seen as an alternative to Facebook or Twitter, awards users with cryptocurrency for engagement. Crypto Social Network Minds Gaining...