
Nalezeno "web form": 2684

BBC spustila zpravodajský web na dark webu – hodlá tak obcházet cenzuru

Britská veřejnoprávní rozhlasová a televizní společnost BBC míří na dark web. Chce zde poskytovat obsah čtenářům ze zemí a oblastí, kde je přístup k jejímu zpravodajství blokován. Webové stránky v síti Tor umožňují bezpečnější přístup prostřednictvím anonymního prohlížeče. Na „temném webu“ bude

[aktualita] BBC spustila nový zpravodajský web přes Tor

Britská veřejnoprávní televize BBC oznámila spuštění mutace svého zpravodajského webu ve formě onion služby na Toru. Stanice se k tomu odhodlala údajně proto, že tak chce bojovat proti cenzuře a sledování občanů státem, což jsou trendy, které se začínají nebezpečně rozmáhat po celém světě....

[aktualita] V Česku vzniká platforma pro podcasty, nabídne hosting i web v jednom

V Česku vzniká platfroma pro tvůrce podcastů. Stojí za ní Tomáš Sobel, který sám vytváří populární podcast Vaše jméno je vaše značka. Podle Sobela by měla platforma (pracovní název má zatím JuicyFolio Pro podcast) tvůrcům nabídnout, aby měli na jedné doméně svůj podcast, blog, web nebo i e-shop....

Designing accessible color systems

The team at Stripe explores how they’re refining their color palette to make it more accessible and legible for users across all their products and interfaces. Not only that but the team built a wonderful and yet entirely bonkers app for figuring out the ideal range of colors that they needed. We...

6 Darknet Markets for the Crypto Curious

If you’ve got a few thousand satoshis burning a hole in your wallet, the darknet beckons. There’s no obligation to spend a single sat while scouring the darker recesses of the web, but it’s nice to know that should you get the urge, your crypto’s good. There are...

Options for Hosting Your Own Non-JavaScript-Based Analytics

There are loads of analytics platforms to help you track visitor and usage data on your sites. Perhaps most notably Google Analytics, which is widely used (including on this site), probably due to it's ease of integration, feature-richness, and the fact that it's free (until you need to jump up...

Firefox Kiosk Mode

As someone who loves the HTML and web APIs, I want to see them used in all different types of devices and mediums. Being that I work for the amazing Mozilla Corporation, seeing Firefox and the gecko web engine thrive in those spaces is important to me. Firefox was recently featured in the Firefox...

Ten-Ton Widgets

At a recent conference talk (sorry, I forget which one), there was a quick example of poor web performance in the form of a third-party widget. The example showed a site that installed the widget in order add a "email us" button fixed to the bottom right of the viewport. Not even a live-chat widget...

Let’s Make a Fancy, but Uncomplicated Page Loader

It’s pretty common to see a loading state on sites these days, particularly as progressive web apps and reactive sites are on the rise. It’s one way to improve "perceived" performance — that is, making it feel as though the site is loading faster than it actually is. There’s no shortage of ways...

Weaving One Element Over and Under Another Element

In this post, we’re going to use CSS superpowers to create a visual effect where two elements overlap and weave together. The epiphany for this design came during a short burst of spiritual inquisitiveness where I ended up at The Bible Project’s website. They make really cool animations, and...

Berlusconi Admins Disappear — Darknet Users Rush to Find Alternatives

The darknet marketplace Berlusconi Market has been reportedly down for more than two weeks, according to users who patronize the hidden website. The outage has led many to believe the market administrators exit scammed with all the funds. While others speculate that government agents have...

Scrape the Web with scrapestack (Sponsored)

I first grew to love Firefox not as a web developer but as user, and what drew me to this amazing new browser was its add-on ecosystem. The add-on I used the most? Web scrapers. Piracy had just hit mainstream and I also need imagery and documentation to create my first websites. Scrapers were...

Tento web používá k poskytování služeb a analýze návštěvnosti soubory cookie. Používáním tohoto webu s tímto souhlasíte. Další informace