
Nalezeno "Google": 3928

Genshin Impact Wins Apple And Google Play's Best Game Of 2020

Huh, people seem to like massive free-to-play action role-playing games with serious The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild vibes. miHoYo’s Genshin Impact came out on top of both Google and Apple’s official game of the year lists, beating out whatever the Candy Crush people are doing and all...

Crafting a Scrollable and Draggable Parallax Slider

A tutorial on how to build a slider with an interesting parallax effect that you can either scroll or drag through. The post Crafting a Scrollable and Draggable Parallax Slider appeared first on Codrops

Collective #637

Building TakeNote * Boop! * Native Aspect Ratio Boxes in CSS * List.js * A tale of four prototypes The post Collective #637 appeared first on Codrops

Collective #636

Web Development for Beginners * Playfulness In Code * Text Gradients in CSS * What are design tokens? The post Collective #636 appeared first on Codrops

Inspirational Websites Roundup #20

Our favorite website designs that we've collected over the past couple of weeks for your inspiration. The post Inspirational Websites Roundup #20 appeared first on Codrops

Image Stack Intro Animation

Two simple intro animations where an image stack moves to become a grid. The post Image Stack Intro Animation appeared first on Codrops

How to Load Fonts in a Way That Fights FOUT and Makes Lighthouse Happy

A web font workflow is simple, right? Choose a few nice-looking web-ready fonts, get the HTML or CSS code snippet, plop it in the project, and check if they display properly. People do this with Google Fonts a zillion times a day, dropping its <link> tag into the <head>. Let’s...

Tip: Za jak dlouho zaplníte svůj Disk Google? Spočítá to tato stránka

Google nedávno oznámil, že v červnu 2021 zruší neomezené nahrávání fotografií ve snížené kvalitě do své služby Photos. Nově se bude jejich velikost započítávat do vaší kvóty na úložišti Google Drive. V základní bezplatné verzi je to 15 GB, což mohou dychtivější fotografové zaplnit

[aktualita] Britové nejspíš prošetří Google kvůli Privacy Sandboxu

Britský úřad Competition and Markets Authority, který ve Spojeném království zajišťuje ochranu hospodářské soutěže, se v pondělí začal zabývat novou stížností na společnost Google. Stěžovatelům se nelíbí plány Google s na začátku roku představenou technologií Privacy Sandbox. Za stížností stojí...

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