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A Bunch Of Great Indie Games Are Coming To Game Pass

Pour one out for my backlog and maybe yours, too. Arguably too many promising indie games are coming to Xbox Game Pass. Also, Microsoft Flight Sim will finally lift off on console, at least for those with next-gen Xboxes. Here’s everything coming to Game Pass over the next few weeks.Read more

How To Buy A PS5 Or Xbox Series X/S

Trying to get your hands on a PlayStation 5 or one of Microsoft’s next-gen consoles—the Xbox Series X and the smaller, less-powerful Xbox Series S—remains a fool’s errand. Stock sells out as soon as it becomes available. When it pops up from unofficial retailers, it does so with a staggering...

Psychonauts 2 Hands-On: It's More Psychonauts, And That's Fine By Me

Psychonauts 2 is a game that, for a long time, felt like it was never going to happen. But then in December 2015, Double Fine ran a successful crowdfunding campaign to create the sequel. Now, almost six years later, the game is nearly here—and I’ve played a few early levels ahead of its August...

Co čeká Microsoft Edge? Lepší synchronizace, editor PDF a další novinky

Během příštího týdne by měl vyjít Edge 92. Spolu s tím Microsoft aktualizoval roadmapu a odhalil novinky, které nás čekají až do verze 97, která dorazí začátkem ledna 2022. Co všechno nás čeká? Novinky v Edgi 92 Náhledy obsahu karet při najetí myší na „ouško“. Funkce pro automatické vynucení

Report: Netflix Is Adding Games "In The Next Year"

This was hinted at back in May, but just became a bit more real, with Bloomberg reporting that Netflix is planning to add games to its subscription service sometime within the next year.Read more

Sony Japan Recommends Two-Step Sign-in After PSN Account Takeovers

While two-factor authentictaion is not new to the PlayStation Network, today the official Ask PlayStation Japanese Twitter account recommended the verification progress be used for logging in. As website Game Impress Watch reports, there have been “many reports” from users of accounts being taken...

Microsoft přitvrzuje v boji proti útočníkům, za miliardy posílí kyberochranu

Pořádná akvizice proběhla tento týden v Microsoftu. Společnost se rozhodla koupit výrobce kyberbezpečnostního softwaru RiskIQ, který už nyní poskytuje ochranu značné části cloudových služeb Microsoftu. Hodnota obchodu nebyla zveřejněna, ale podle agentury Bloomberg činí více než 500 milionů dolarů

Microsoft Calls For An End To 'Git Gud'

Before the weekend, Microsoft’s Xbox Twitter account sent a surprisingly important tweet: “Beating the game on the lowest difficulty is still beating the game.” This was then followed up by Double Fine who added that completing Psychonauts 2 with the “invincibility toggle on” still counts...

Sony Will Lose Another Big PS5 Exclusive In September 2022

Deathloop is one of the few, big PlayStation 5 exclusives releasing this year, but it was never going to remain only on Sony’s next-gen console. Now we know exactly when its exclusivity period ends: September 14, 2022. Read more

Video Games Are Part Of Climate Change, Too

It’s hot! I don’t just mean in the sense that I am sweating while my window AC unit does its best to gasp cool air into my apartment; I mean that it’s historically hot. Last month was the warmest June ever in North America. In honor of the increasingly agonizing heat death of the planet, this...

PS4s and Xbox Ones Are Now Just As Hard To Find As Next-Gen Consoles

Supply issues and Covid-19 complications have made the recent console generation transition a rocky one, with ongoing shortages making it nearly impossible to reliably procure a PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X/S. But current gen consoles aren’t the only ones playing hard-to-get. Outside...

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