
Nalezeno "web": 2138

Scroll to the Future

This is an interesting read on the current state of scrollbars and how to control their behavior across operating systems and browsers. The post also highlights a bunch of stuff I didn’t know about, like Element.scrollIntoView() and the scroll-behavior CSS property. My favorite part of all though?...

VuePress Static Site Generator

VuePress is a new tool from Vue creator Evan You that spins up Vue projects that are more on the side of websites based on content and markup than progressive web applications and does it with a few strokes of the command line. We talk a lot about Vue around here, from a five-part series on getting...

Add Loading Indicators to Your Vue.js Application

Loading indicators improve UX (user experience) in any application web or mobile. It tells the user that an action is being carried and a result will return shortly. In web applications, the

K čemu je soubor security.txt

Přidejte si na web soubor security.txt a umístěte do něj správné kontaktní údaje, ať lidé, kteří chtějí nahlásit bezpečnostní chyby, nemusí dlouze studovat, kam report poslat. K čemu takové informace jsou vám ukážu na jednom konkrétním příkladu

4 Things Every Progressive Web App Must Have

A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a web app that uses modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like experience to users. It looks and behaves as if it is a mobile app and can be kinda installed. In t

Incapsula Web Application Firewall (Sponsored)

When I speak with people who have interviewed for front-end jobs at cryptocurrency exchanges, they always tell me how surprised they are that a majority of the interview questions are security-centric.  Basic front-end security practices are fair game for all front-end developer interviews...

[aktualita] Web byl mimo provoz, na server někdo nahrál pornofotky

Web potravinového online supermarketu byl dnes večer dočasně mimo provoz. Správci jej stáhli poté, co se na hlavní stránce objevily pornografické fotografie. Podle šéfa serveru Tomáše Čupra se do administrace frontendu dostali neznámí útočníci, kteří získali patrně slabé heslo k jednomu...

How To Make Netflix-Like Swipers in Vue

If you have been building for the web for a little while, you would have like me encountered at least some issues when making swipers - for some reason, they always seem to have a mind of their ow

React Video Player

Streaming entertainment is a massive interest of mine as both a consumer and web developer.  My love for streaming entertainment dates back to the early days of RealPlayer and the misery of a million codecs.  Fast forward to today and I’m working a lot with ReactJS, as well as the dozens...

Tento web používá k poskytování služeb a analýze návštěvnosti soubory cookie. Používáním tohoto webu s tímto souhlasíte. Další informace