
Nalezeno "take": 2212

Sayonara Edge

Sounds like Edge is going to spin down EdgeHTML, the engine that powers edge, and go with Chromium. It's not entirely clear as I write whether the browser will still be called Edge or not. Opera did this same thing in 2013. We'll surely be seeing much more information about this directly from...

Embed a Blog Onto Any Website With DropInBlog

With DropInBlog, you can embed a blog into your site in only three minutes. A quick JavaScript/HTML widget, or a full-featured JSON API, is all it takes. A headless blog you can take anywhere Ever been working on your existing static site or anything that wasn’t built with WordPress, wanted...

GraphQL API with AWS and Use with React

GraphQL has become a go-to API implementation for developers looking to take advantage of features liketype safety, network efficiency, real-time data with subscriptions & more. Building

Důvěryhodnost domény se zabezpečením DNSSEC

Chcete vědět, jakou doménu si kvůli bezpečnosti vybrat? Čím jsou české domény chráněné a jak takové zabezpečení pracuje? Pro kvalitní zabezpečení proti podvržení stránek úspěšně funguje zabezpečení DNSSEC, kterým jsou zabezpečeny také české domény

Developer Roadmaps

The path to becoming a front-end developer, as looked back upon by anyone who self-identifies that way, is likely a very windy one full of thorn bushes and band websites. Still, documenting a path, even if it's straighter and far cleaner than reality, is an interesting exercise and might just...

View Source

I remember seeing this Tom Dale tweet a while back. It's literally about the browser's ability to look at the HTML of the document you're looking at as it first arrived. Now the tweet is stirring up a new round of conversation. Jonathan Snook has kind of a baby bear take: We have the ability...

Adding Particle Effects to DOM Elements with Canvas

Let’s take a look at how to make web pages more visually capable by combining the freedom of <canvas> with HTML elements. Specifically, we will be creating a basic HTML-to-particle effect, but the same technique could be used for many kinds of effects. Before we begin, feel free to grab...

Styl a konečně také funkce. Začínáme testovat Nokii 8110 4G

Loni si to Nokia vyzkoušela s modelem 3310, letos už šla najisto. Z historie vytáhla zahnutou 8110, její designové prvky vrhla do moderního kabátu a tentokrát přidala i pár technologií a funkcí navíc. A také operační systém KaiOS, který posune možnosti o level výše.

Your Body Text is Too Small

Several years ago, there was a big push by designers to increase the font-size of websites and I feel like we’re living in another era of accessibility improvements where a fresh batch of designers are pushing for even larger text sizing today. Take this post by Christian Miller, for example, where...

Anatomy of a malicious script: how a website can take over your browser

By now, we all know that the major tech behemoths like Facebook or Google know everything about our lives, including how often we go to the bathroom (hence all the prostate medication ads that keep popping up, even on reputable news sites). After all, we’ve given them permission to do so,...

Emojis as Icons

There are lots of unicode symbols that make pretty good icons already, like arrows (←), marks (✘), and objects (✂︎).You can already colorize these like a normal font glyph. Then, there are emojis, those full-color suckers we all know about. What if you could take just the shape of an emoji...


Mark this down as one of the strangest things I’ve seen in a good long while. Nicholas Jitkoff has made a tool called itty.bitty that creates websites with all of the assets being contained within their own link. You can create a website without any HTML or CSS resources at all because it’s...

Po vstupenkách lákají podvodníci také na značkové boty zadarmo

V minulém týdnu se doslova roztrhnul pytel s podvodnými soutěžemi o vstupenky do různých aquaparků. Podobných pokusů, jak vymámit z uživatelů citlivé informace, je na trhu ale daleko více. Kyberzločinci se je snaží nalákat například i na značkové boty zadarmo

Clearfix: A Lesson in Web Development Evolution

The web community has, for the most part, been a spectacularly open place. As such, a lot of the best development techniques happen right out in the open, on blogs and in forums, evolving as they’re passed around and improved. I thought it might be fun (and fascinating) to actually follow this...

Writing Good Support Requests

My take on trying to be helpful to a support staff. One bit is just as relevant for learning development: Writing out a ticket will help you figure out the problem. Sometimes when you have to take a second to collect your thoughts and explain something, the problem will become clear and maybe even...

Tento web používá k poskytování služeb a analýze návštěvnosti soubory cookie. Používáním tohoto webu s tímto souhlasíte. Další informace