Log a User Out from Command Line
Automation is a system administrator, support agent, and tech savvy person’s dream. Automating tasks via scripts remotely helps to get clients out of trouble or even the organization itself. Oftentimes big updates can require users log out. Logging a user out from command line is super easy...
Valorant’s Newest Agent Will Be A Nightmare To Play Against, And That's Good Actually
Chamber, Valorant’s newest defensive agent, looks like a monster. I am terrified of this fancy French man and his very pretty guns.Read more
24 Years After Release, GoldenEye N64 Is No Longer Banned In Germany
GoldenEye 007 for the N64 was released in 1997 in most of the world. However, in Germany, it was banned and designated as “Media Harmful To Young Persons.” But now someone has stepped in to help unban the classic shooter.Read more
Teď už zcela bez podpory FTP. Chrome 95 také omezuje user agent, webům toho už tolik neprozradí
Poprvé se prohlížeč objevuje bez podpory FTP, tedy jednoduchého a 50 let starého (!) protokolu pro přenos souborů. Google už v interní podpoře FTP neviděl smysl, s dedikovanými klienty soupeřit nemohl. Chrome 95 oficiálně vyšel 19. října a jedná se teprve druhé vydání v rámci vývojového cyklu
Three-Digit Browser Versions in March 2022
This isn’t supposed to be any sort of decision-making based on browser User-Agent Strings. But, ya know, collectively, we do make those decisions.
Karl Dubost notes that there is a significant change coming to them, notably moving the version …
The post Three-Digit Browser Versions...
Binance hires former IRS-CI special agent to head intelligence division
Regulatory scrutiny from around the world has forced the cryptocurrency exchange to up its compliance and auditing measures
Firefox’s `bolder` Default is a Problem for Variable Fonts
Variable fonts make it easy to create a large set of font styles from a single font file. Unfortunately, the default rendering of the <b> and <strong> elements in browsers today is not very compatible with the wide range of …
The post Firefox’s `bolder` Default is a Problem...
IRS Sends Undercover Agent to Bust Criminals on Crypto Marketplace
The US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is going to great lengths to track down criminals who use cryptocurrencies in dark web drug sales, deploying an undercover agent to work on peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplace
The platform presents itself as a P2P bitcoin (BTC) and ethereum (ETH)...
IRS Agent Poses as Bitcoin Trader Called ‘Mr. Coins,’ Biden’s IRS Wants ‘Outflow and Inflow’ Data From Banks
Over the last few weeks, Americans have read about the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) upping its tax enforcement to catch cryptocurrency users who have not paid taxes. According to one report, the IRS may get access to bank inflows and outflows via Joe Biden’s American Families Plan....
Naomi Osaka Reveals New NFT, Dogecoin Sparks Tennis Star’s Interest in Cryptocurrencies
The popular professional tennis player Naomi Osaka has been discussing non-fungible token (NFT) assets and the meme crypto asset dogecoin in recent times. In a recent interview, Osaka said that she’s been talking to her agent about dogecoin and that she sees the crypto ecosystem “is...
After 20 Years Of Attempts, 'Impossible' Goldeneye Trick Hails New World Record
For more than two decades, Goldeneye 007 players have been trying to figure out how to get the fastest time on the game’s hardest level without grabbing an out of the way piece of body armor to help them survive. Turns out all speedrunner Gus Riolo needed to skip the body armor and claim the...
Agent 47, Welcome To The Flower Show
Hitman 3's latest event, out today, is the Dartmoor Garden Show. Doesn’t it just look serene.Read more
Sorry, Agent 47 Isn’t Horny In Hitman 3's Season Of Lust
IO Interactive released the full roadmap for Hitman 3’s Season of Lust today. Sadly, it seems devoid of the sultry deviation some fans hoped for.Read more
Být hodný je nuda. Povedené hry, ve kterých se ujmete role padoucha
Většina z nás se snaží tvářit jako slušný a morální člověk, ale přiznejme si to, občas si užíváme, když jsme tak trochu záporáci. Minimálně v případě následujících her to rozhodně platí
FBI Agent Recovers Private Key to $2.3M in Bitcoin Paid to Colonial Pipeline Hackers
U.S. law enforcement officials from the Justice Department on Monday announced the seizure of $2.3 million dollars worth of crypto assets that were paid to the Colonial Pipeline hackers. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco explained during a news conference that federal agents “recaptured...
Here's GoldenEye 007 Remade From The Ground Up In Far Cry 5
If it walks like a GoldenEye, talks like a GoldenEye, and quacks like a GoldenEye, it’s a GoldenEye, right? Well, not always. It could also be a Far Cry. Case in point: This recreation of GoldenEye 007 in Far Cry 5's level editor.Read more
Russian Media Outlet Asks for Crypto Donations After Being Labeled ‘Foreign Agents’ by the Kremlin
Russian authorities have recently labeled one of the leading independent media outlets in the country as a “foreign agent.” Such a maneuver led Meduza to set up a fiat and crypto fundraiser to survive the consequences of labeling. Fund Will Accept Donations in Bitcoin, Ethereum,...
Edward Snowden Plans to Auction an NFT, Proceeds Will Go to Freedom of the Press Foundation
The whistleblower and former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee and subcontractor Edward Snowden has revealed he is stepping into the world of non-fungible token (NFT) assets. Moreover, 100% of the NFT sale proceeds will be donated to the Freedom of the Press Foundation. American...
No One Warned Me About Hitman 2’s Cutscenes
Over the past few months, I, late to the party, have fallen head over heels for the new Hitman trilogy. Pretty much everyone I’ve spoken to, including several Kotaku colleagues, have said Hitman 2 is the best of the three, or at least the one I should play first. They did not mention how jarring...
On The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, the Struggle to Deal With Cap’s Legacy Is Real
One of the biggest memes of the past week has utilized the surprise appearance by John Walker as “the new Captain America” at the end of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’s premiere episode. Seeing this seemingly goofy, obviously inferior, version of the superhero—previously characterized by Chris...