
Nalezeno "Links ": 248

Advice for Writing a Technical Resume

Marco Rogers asked a very good question on Twitter: I talk to a lot of people new to tech from non-traditional backgrounds, e.g. bootcamps or self-taught. I'm looking for good information for those people on how to build out a strong resume when they don't have work experience yet. Advice...

The Contrast Triangle

Chip Cullen: Let’s say you’re building a site, and you’re working with a designer. They come to you with some solid designs, and you’re ready to go. You’re also a conscientious front end developer and you like to make sure the sites you build are accessible. The designs you’re working from have...

Some Typography Links

I just can’t stop bookmarking great links related to typography. I’m afraid I’m going to have to subject you, yet again, to a bunch of them all grouped up. So those of you that care about web type stuff, enjoy. I know there are lots of good reasons to be excited about variable...

Accessibility Links

Austin Gil has kicked off the first in a five-part series about “HTML Forms Right” and to starts with semantics. It’s talking to the “we build our front-ends with JavaScript” crowd. The first block of code is an example of an Ajax form submission where the data...

Performance Links

I've had a number of browser tabs open to articles all related to web performance and gosh darn it if blogging them is a way for me get some closure. They are all good! Manuel Matuzovic, Why 543 KB keep me up at night: Yes, I know, it depends. 543 KB aren't always bad, but on that specific page...

Ideas for Distorted Link Effects on Menus

Some examples of how to use decorative distortion effects on big typography menu links. Ideas for Distorted Link Effects on Menus was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

How to Create a “Skip to Content” Link

Skip links are little internal navigation links that help users move around a page. It’s possible you’ve never actually seen one before because they’re often hidden from view and used as an accessibility enhancement that lets keyboard users and screen readers jump from the top of the page to...

15 Things to Improve Your Website Accessibility

This is a really great list from Bruce. There is a lot of directly actionable stuff here. Send it around to your team and make it something that you all go through together. Here's a little one that prodded me to finally fix... Most screen readers allow the user to quickly see a list of links...

Block Links Are a Pain (and Maybe Just a Bad Idea)

As we noted in our complete guide, you can put an <a href=""> link around whatever chunks of HTML you like. Let's call that a "block link." Like you are wanting to link up an entire "Card" of content because it makes a big clickable target. <a href="/article/"<!-- display: block;...

Use a:visited in your CSS stylesheet

Evert Pot: Unfortunately, when setting a new color (e.g. a { color: #44F }) the ‘purple visited link’ feature also gets disabled. I think this is a shame, as there’s so many instances where you’re going through a list of links and want to see what you’ve seen before. The 2 examples I ran into...

4 Ways to Animate the Color of a Text Link on Hover

Let’s create a pure CSS effect that changes the color of a text link on hover… but slide that new color in instead of simply swapping colors. There are four different techniques we can use to do this. Let’s look at those while being mindful of important things, like accessibility, performance,...

Just Dropping Some Type Links

I've had a bunch of tabs open that just so happen to all be related to typography, so I figured I'd give myself the mental release of closing them by blogging them. How's that for a blog post format for ya: whatever random tabs you've had open for far too long. Times New Roman is popular on...

HTML: The Inaccessible Parts

<input type="number", <input type="date", <input type="search", <select multiple, <progress, <meter, <dialog, <details<summary, <video, <div onclick, <div aria-label, <a href<divBlock Links</div</a, aria-controls...

How to Get Free Bitcoin in 2020

Many early adopters who made a fortune from cryptocurrency first got their hands on coins by receiving them for free from bitcoin faucets back in the day. Today there are still a number of ways for you to get bitcoin for free including airdrops, giveaways, bounties, tipping, referral programs...

Fixed Headers and Jump Links? The Solution is scroll-margin-top

The problem: you click a jump link like <a href="#header-3">Jump</a> which links to something like <h3 id="header-3">Header</h3>. That's totally fine, until you have a position: fixed; header at the top of the page obscuring the header you're trying to link to! Fixed...

Solving Sticky Hover States with @media (hover: hover)

Mezo Istvan does a good job of covering the problem and a solution to it in a blog post on Medium¹. If you tap on something that has a :hover state but you don't leave the page then, on a mobile device, there is a chance that :hover state "sticks." You'll see this with stuff like jump-links used...

A Complete Guide to Links and Buttons

Our complete guide to links, buttons, and button-like inputs in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The post A Complete Guide to Links and Buttons appeared first on CSS-Tricks

Old CSS, new CSS

I love this post that walks through the development of CSS and HTML — it shows just how far web design has come and how much easier it is for us all now. Eevee looks at designing websites with tables, the Space Jam website, and how for centuries there was no way to easily inspect changes made to...

The Fallout From Onecoin’s Ponzi Scheme Continues to Impact Investors

In late 2019, the remnants of multi-level Ponzi scheme Onecoin crumbled. However, Onecoin’s founder, dubbed the ‘crypto queen,’ Ruja Ignatova, remains on the run and law enforcement haven’t caught up with her yet. Moreover, police are investigating two churches in...

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