Crypto Lender Nexo Spins Out $150M Venture Arm for Web 3 Investments, Acquisitions
Cryptocurrency lender Nexo announced a venture arm with $150 million to invest in Web 3 projects and acquisitions
Luno Launches Venture Fund to Invest in Over 200 Crypto and Fintech Startups per Year
Luno cryptocurrency exchange recently announced the launch of an investment arm, Luno Expeditions, whose objective is to invest in fintech, crypto, and Web3 startups globally. The investment arm will target digital assets and later-stage companies starting from Series A upwards. Funding Over...
Elden Ring Fans Are Using Cheats To Equip Notorious Cut Underwear
They say necessity breeds innovation. In Elden Ring, sometimes that necessity looks more like a Thomas the Tank Engine mod or whatever monstrosity is happening in this video. The latest Elden Ring innovation involves players equipping an NPC’s underwear that was apparently cut from the game.Read...
Neuvěřitelný ruský notebook, Intel postaví továrnu ve východním Německu, ARM propustí tisíc lidí
Britové prověří spojení Avastu a Nortonu. Tranzistor s nejtenčím hradlem je z Číny. Nové procesory AMD. Další dopady sankcí na ruské IT. Zprávy z IT, každý pátek na Lupě
Crypto Trader Dexterity Capital Launches Token Consulting, Market-Making Arm
“DCLiquidity” aims to guide crypto founders through their project’s earliest days
Luno Spins Out Investment Arm to Pump $15M to $75M a Year Into Crypto Companies
Cryptocurrency exchange Luno has launched an investment arm, through which it plans to invest between $15-$75 million a year into early-stage crypto and fintech entrepreneurs
Finance Redefined: DeFi ‘Godfather’ Cronje quits, CAKE launches $100M venture arm and more
In this week's DeFi newsletter, we will look at the Andre Cronje debacle, the Polygon upgrade, the rise of ThorChain and the growing value of the DeFi ecosystem with synthetic assets
Regulator in UAE’s Special Economic Zone Unveils Consultation Paper on ‘Crypto Tokens’
The regulatory arm of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)’s special economic zone, the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), has unveiled a consultation paper outlining its proposed regulatory regime for crypto tokens. Changes to the Draft Legislation The Dubai Financial Services Authority...
Cake DeFi launches $100M venture arm for Web3, gaming and fintech initiatives
Cake DeFi Ventures will fund crypto startups across Web3, the Metaverse, the NFT space, gaming, esports and fintech spaces that complement the company’s core business
Fintech Platform Cake DeFi Creates $100M Venture Capital Arm
The Singapore-based company will invest in Web 3, NFTs and fintech projects
Procesory se budou skládat jako lego. Intel, AMD, Arm zakládají čipletový standard
Vedle normy PCIe pro univerzální připojení rozličného hardwaru uvnitř počítače, vzniká i nový standard UCIe, který bude mít podobnou úlohu pro skládání čipů uvnitř jednoho pouzdra. Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express je budoucnost procesorů, na které se společně dohodly přední IT
SEC Scrutinizing Crypto Exchange Binance US — Chair Gensler Stresses ‘Basic Investor Protection’
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is reportedly scrutinizing the U.S. arm of cryptocurrency exchange Binance over trading firms with links to Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao. SEC Chairman Gary Gensler emphasizes the need for “basic investor protection” in the crypto space....
European Commission to Launch Digital Euro Consultations in March, Propose Bill Early Next Year
The executive arm of the EU is gearing up to start public consultations on the digital euro project next month. The European Commission will also prepare new legislation to establish the legal basis for the digital version of the common European fiat. A draft is expected in 2023. EU Finance Chief...
Nvidia nakonec nekoupí ARM, EU dá miliardy eur do výroby čipů, Samsung Galaxy S22
Cisco bude stavět privátní 5G sítě. Intel vstupuje do RISC-V. AMD smí převzít Xilinx. Číňané kradou technologii ASML. Zprávy z IT, každý pátek na Lupě
Arm se Nvidii vzdaluje. Akvizici brzy sama odpíská, tvrdí Bloomberg
Měl to být jeden z největších obchodů v historii polovodičových společností, ale po necelém roce a půl od oznámení nejspíš padne. Zdroje Bloombergu tvrdí, že Nvidia brzy vydá prohlášení, že námluvy se Softbank o nákupu Armu jsou u konce.
Proti obchodu za 40 miliard dolarů už vystoupila americká
Deutsche Telekom Arm to Validate Polkadot, IOTA Staking + More News
Get your daily, bite-sized digest of cryptoasset and blockchain-related news – investigating the stories flying under the radar of today’s crypto news.
Read More: Deutsche Telekom Arm to Validate Polkadot, IOTA Staking + More News
Binance VC arm leads $60M round in cross-chain protocol Multichain
Shortly after rebranding from Anyswap last week, Multichain raised $60 million in a seed round led by Binance Labs
Binance Developing Crypto Exchange in Indonesia
Binance has formed a joint venture with a consortium led by Telkom Indonesia’s $830-million venture capital arm. Binance aims “to expand the blockchain ecosystem in Indonesia with the development of a new Indonesian-based digital asset exchange.” Binance Building Cryptocurrency...
Solana Ventures, Forte, and Griffin Gaming Launch $150 Million Web3 Fund
Solana Ventures, the investment arm of Solana Labs, has announced a new investment fund to bring more Web3 products to its network. In partnership with Forte, a company that provides tools for blockchain integration on games, and Griffin Gaming, a VC company invested in the global gaming market...
Binance Singapore arm acquires 18% stake in private stock exchange
Binance's most recent acquisition is still subject to some regulatory requirements