Remote Working Proves Unexpected Hero as Half of US Economy Shifts to Home Offices
To those who believe in a digital future in which decentralization makes systems more resilient, the coronavirus crisis has expedited the inevitable
A Few Background Patterns Sites
If I need a quick background pattern to spruce something up, I often think of the CSS3 Patterns Gallery. Some of those are pretty intense but remember they are easily editable because they are just CSS. That means you could take these bold zags and chill them out.
CodePen Embed Fallback
My usual...
Collective #593
Tailwind UI * The Markup * Open Peeps * How does the Virtual DOM work? * Revealing Hero Effect
Collective #593 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
A Trend to Follow – Headline-Centric Hero Areas
Homepage headlines have always been an important focus of attention. While web app builders see them as an essential detail of the entire composition, regular visitors see them as...
The post A Trend to Follow – Headline-Centric Hero Areas appeared first on Onextrapixel
Gopro Hero 8 a Gopro Max: Nové akční kamery dál utíkají konkurenci
GoPro Hero 8 by měla zvládnout 4K video ve 120 fps, a to i s HDR a stabilizací. Uvidíme už za týden
CNBC Host Joe ‘Squawk’ Becomes an Unlikely Hero for Bitcoin
CNBC’s Joe Kernen claims he is being treated “like a god” on Twitter following an interview where he questioned whether libra is a cryptocurrency
His Anonymity Makes Satoshi Nakamoto A Hero For The Cryptocurrency Space
Satoshi Nakamoto has been as mysterious as life itself. The individual or group who created the biggest asset of 21st Century, the Bitcoin, was quite selfless and big-hearted to go in total anonymity to save it. Bitcoin is to Nakamoto what The Last Supper is to Leonardo da Vinci, Theory...
Script & Style Show: Episode 16: JavaScript & LEDs with Kristina Durivage
In this episode: Todd’s back from an amazing conference and David sees this week’s guest as being the ticket to making his kids thing he’s a super hero. The amazing Kristina Durivage stops by to talk JavaScript, electrical engineering and unusual uses of LEDs for programming...
Jak vznikl Beat Saber a kde si ho můžete vyzkoušet?
Další česká hra má našlápnuto stát se světovým fenoménem. Studio Hyperbolic Magnetism vydalo VR hru Beat Saber, která je kombinací her typu Guitar Hero a Fruit Ninja. Jeden z vývojářů a vítěz ceny…
Příručka marketéra: Triky mistrů copywriterů, se kterými vylepšíte každý newsletter
Čím to, že některý e-mail zákazníci bez váhání hodí do koše, zatímco jiný se jim vryje pod kůži a mají ho v hlavě i několik dní po přečtení? Důvodů je více, ale mezi nejdůležitější patří… copy e-mailu. V nedávném článku jsme rozebrali newslettery z pohledu struktury. Co uvést do odesílatele,… Číst...
Overwatch’s newest hero, Moira, is now playable on the game’s PC public test realm.
Overwatch’s newest hero, Moira, is now playable on the game’s PC public test realm. Announced at BlizzCon on Friday, Moira is a mad scientist support hero who looks kinda like David Bowie and fires beams of pure energy from her hands (also like David Bowie). In other words, she’s mad fun...
GoPro má nové kamery. Kompozici záběru můžete doladit i po natočení
Společnost GoPro představila dvě nové kamery - nástupce loňského Hero 5 s názvem Hero 6 a svoji první 360° kameru nejen pro virtuální realitu s názvem Fusion