Šifrování v Messengeru, Google VPN pro iOS, čipy nebudou, LCD displej s 500 Hz
Rekordní DDoS útok. AMD vyrostlo o 68 procent. Citrix prodán. Sony kupuje Bungie. NordVPN a Surfshark se spojují. Zprávy z IT, každý pátek na Lupě
Apple iOS 15.4 přinese velké novinky. Těšte se na Face ID i s rouškou, integraci covid pasů a mnoho dalšího
Apple chystá velkou aktualizaci iOS 15.4 • Tento „desetinkový update” nabízí slušnou porci důležitých novinek • K dispozici bude během několika týdnů
Solana’s Phantom Raises $109 Million in a Series B Fundraise Obtaining Unicorn Status
On Monday, the team behind the Solana Web3 wallet platform Phantom announced it had raised $109 million in a Series B fundraise. The crypto company is now a Unicorn with a post valuation of $1.2 billion in value. Solana Web3 Wallet Phantom Raises $109 Million The Phantom wallet team has raised $109...
Wordle Bought By The New York Times For 'Seven-Figure' Sum
The New York Times just announced that it has bought Wordle, the surprise smash-hit word-guessing game that has taken over people’s browsers (and twitter feeds) for the last month, for a price “in the low seven figures”.Read more
Widgety na iOS 16 mají být interaktivní. Budou umět to, co Android zvládá už roky
Shameless Unpacking Clone Is The App Store's Top Download
Unpacking was one of the best games of 2021, to the point where it didn’t just make my personal GOTY list, but the entire site’s as well. It is currently available on PC, Mac, Switch and Xbox One. It is most definitely not available on Apple’s iOS devices.Read more
Twitter Blue rolls out NFT profile pics for iOS
The feature can only be used by paid Twitter Blue users on iOS
Curtis Sword Becomes the First Blockchain-Based Large-Scale 3D ARPG
PRESS RELEASE. Curtis Sword, a 3D NFT ARPG mobile game on the blockchain, is excited to announce that it has fully launched on both Android and iOS. The project is the first GameFi-built game designed by the original “The Rise of Dragon” mobile game team. The game is the first...
Jak dobře znáte iOS? Tyto tipy a triky možná zatím nepoužíváte, ale teď začnete
Sytém iOS skrývá spoustu šikovných funkcí, o kterých možná nevíte • Mnoho z nich však může zlepšit uživatelský zážitek • Toto je výběr těch nejzajímavějších
Fortnite Sneaks Back Onto iPhone By Way Of GeForce Now
It’s been 518 days since Apple kicked Fortnite off of the App Store after Epic Games tried to bypass its payment system. Now the popular free-to-play battle royale is once again playable on iPhones, sort of. Starting next week, Fortnite will be available on iOS by way of streaming, as part of...
Square Enix láká bezplatnou mobilní hříčkou ChocoboGP
Argentina-Based Mobile Wallet App Belo Adds Lightning Network Support via Opennode
On Monday, January 10, the Argentina-based mobile wallet company Belo announced that the platform has added support for the Lightning Network by partnering with the bitcoin payment processor and infrastructure provider Opennode. The mobile application allows users to trade and transact in pesos...
Tip: K Outlooku pro iOS a Android se přihlásíte naskenováním kódu QR z webového
Postupem času se záhlaví webového e-mailového klienta plní. Mimo obligátního nastavení nebo nápovědy se zde postupně objevila tlačítka pro vyvolání úloh, OneNotu nebo založení schůzky ve Skypu. Kromě integrace produktů jsem teď zaznamenal další tlačítko, o němž jsem přesvědčen, že jsem
Leading NFT Marketplace Opensea Raises $300 Million, Firm’s Post-Money Valuation Taps $13.3 Billion
Leading non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace Opensea announced the firm has raised $300 million in a Series C funding round led by Paradigm and Coatue. Opensea’s latest capital raise has propelled the company to a $13.3 billion post-money valuation. Opensea Raises $300 Million, Commands...
China’s Digital Yuan Wallet App Now in iOS and Android App Stores
China’s central bank has released its digital currency wallet app ahead of the Winter Olympics. The wallet app for the digital yuan, also known as e-CNY, can now be downloaded from the iOS and Android app stores in the country. Digital Yuan Wallet App Now Downloadable From iOS and Android...
Apple iOS 15.2 přidá iPhonům manuální makro, sledování aplikací, ale i rozpoznání nahých fotek
PlayStation 4 Jailbroken, Exploit May Work On PS5 Too
December 13, 2021 may go down in history as the day the PlayStation 4 finally got blown wide open, as a trio of noted console hackers just released a new, ready-to-run kernel exploit for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro that works on firmware version 9.00 and earlier. In other words, running...
Režimy soustředění v iOS zvýší produktivitu a změní styl, kterým jste dosud iPhone používali
Report: Leading NFT Marketplace Opensea Presented With $10 Billion Valuation, Investors Are ‘Clamoring’
On November 17, a report disclosed that the leading non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace, Opensea, is “fielding new investment offers” according to two unknown sources familiar with the matter. The investment could propel Opensea’s valuation by six times to a $10 billion market...
Hackers Appear One Step Closer To Jailbreaking The PS5
The PlayStation 5 only launched a year ago this week, but already hackers appear to have made massive breakthroughs in potentially jailbreaking the latest Sony console. Both theFlow0 and Fail0verflow posted screenshots on Twitter over the weekend indicating they managed to unlock the PS5’s debug...