Proč nikdy v životě nepřejdu na iPhone. Opravdu jsem to zkusil, ale „jabko“ prostě nezvládne vše
Na Androidu jsem vyrostl, a nadále u něj zůstanu • iPhony vypadají zajímavě, ale nikdy bych si na ně nezvykl • Jaké jsou největší zádrhele při přechodu na iPhone?
The 12 Best Games On The iPhone
There was a time where iPhone games were merely a distraction. You’d play them on a commute, or while the water boiled, or during Destiny loading screens. But that was then, and this is now. In case you didn’t know, today’s options are just as polished (and fun!) as many console counterparts....
Intel dokáže propojit iPhone s Windows. Z počítače půjde volat i psát SMS
Crappy Mobile Games Accidentally Led To The Best Version Of Vampire Survivors
When Steam best seller Vampire Survivors made the surprise jump to mobile last month, it wasn’t just as compulsively playable as its PC and console counterparts, it was also free. And unobtrusively so. In a sea of aggressively monetized and sometimes downright exploitative smartphone games,...
The Pokémon Devs Made A Cult Hit That You Now Have Another Chance To Play
2023’s first gaming surprise is here, and it’s a shockingly pleasant one: Pocket Card Jockey is coming to Apple Arcade on January 20. Game Freak’s experimental 3DS game is notable for both being really fun and one of the studio’s only non-Pokémon releases, and Apple’s ongoing exercise...
iPhone 14 Pro potvrdil pozici nejlepšího fotomobilu pro selfie. Krok s ním drží pouze Huawei
PS3 Hacker Hired To Fix Twitter By Elon Musk Just Quit, Yikes
Twitter has been a sinking ship ever since billionaire jerk Elon Musk took it over in October 2022 (though, arguably, you could say it’s been that way for a while now). The SpaceX and Tesla CEO has been throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks, including bringing on noted iPhone...
If You Get This New Marvel Snap Location ,You’re Gonna Have A Bad Time
Just when I was about to settle down for my long winter’s nap and play a shit ton of Marvel Snap, the hit mobile card game just threw its worst location yet into heavy rotation. Vormir is where stuff goes to die, including my sanity thanks to some brutal slowdown and quirky bugs.Read more
Apple to allow third-party app stores in windfall for NFTs and crypto
In a win for crypto app developers, incoming EU laws will force Apple to permit alternative app stores and apps without the need to go through its App Store
iPhone 14 rozpoznal dopravní nehodu a přivolal pražské hasiče. Na infolinku nahlásil přesnou polohu
Crypto Security: iPhone and iPod Co-Creator Designs New Hardware Wallet for Ledger
Hardware cryptocurrency wallet developer Ledger has revealed that Tony Fadell, creator of Apple’s iPod, is the mastermind behind its new hardware wallet Ledger Stax.
In a Tuesday blog post, the company announced that the iconic iPod and iPhone co-creator Tony Fadell is the inventor and mastermind...
Apple rozšiřuje program uživatelských oprav do Evropy. Šanci sami si opravit iPhone mají kutilové z osmi zemí
Twitch Streamer Amouranth Receives $70,000 In Cash, Private Security From Anonymous Donor
29-year-old Kaitlyn Siragusa, who variety streams on Twitch as Amouranth, has not had an easy year. She pushed her offline extracurriculars, buying an inflatable pool company and building her investments, but her public life got overshadowed by her brutally candid disclosure that she was in...
Elon Musk Plans to Launch Alternative Phone if Apple, Google Boot Twitter off Their App Stores
Tesla CEO and Twitter boss Elon Musk says he will make an alternative phone if Apple and Google boot Twitter from their app stores. Many people want him to go ahead with a phone launch even if Apple and Google do not deplatform Twitter. Elon Musk Could Launch Alternative Phone to Compete With Apple...
Elon Musk Hires PlayStation 3 Hacker To Fix Twitter
George Hotz is best known for jailbreaking the iPhone’s carrier-lock and hacking the PlayStation 3. Now Elon Musk has set him on his most momentous technical challenge: Fixing Twitter in three months. Okay, not all of it. He was hired to fix Twitter’s currently-broken search function.Read more
Apple Messages & Color Contrast
Well, color me this! I was griping to myself last night about just how gosh dang hard it is to read text messages in Apple Messages. You know, not the blue bubbles that you get when messaging other iPhone users. …
Apple Messages & Color Contrast originally published on CSS-Tricks, which...
Skládací iPhone, ruský kód v tisících aplikacích, Windows 11 zpomalují počítače
Jeff Bezos dá své jmění na boj v klimatem. Testy Nvidia RTX 4080. Další čínská grafická karta. Blíží se next-gen update Zaklínače 3. Zprávy z IT, každý pátek na Lupě
How To Become A Beer Pong Champion, According To The Pros
The Aztecs had spiritual ballgames, games with physical displays of devotion and a struggle for collective triumph that remains central to our notions of sport. In the 3,000 years since, we’ve streamlined these fundamental concepts into FIFA 23 and beer pong. But I’m not complaining. I think it’s...
V Číně vznikl skládací iPhone. Funguje a opravdu na něm běží Apple iOS
Když Apple vyčkává, je řada na technologických nadšencích • Na světě je první skládací iPhone ve véčkové podobě • Vznikl složením iPhonu X a Motoroly Razr (2019)
Nové Radeony a zlevněné procesory AMD, iPhone bude mít USB-C, Rusové skupují elektroniku
Zranitelnost v OpenSSL. Rekordní výsledky Applu. Hetzner odstřihnul Solanu. Nejrychlejší čínský procesor. Zprávy z IT, každý pátek na Lupě