Search’s Crypto Earn and Crypto Credit are Making New Waves in the Banking Market
17.5.2019 has announced the launch of “Crypto Earn and Crypto Credit” system. This scheme point blank is targeting to replace the regular bank account dealings, dependency, system, and maybe it is an overall enhancement over the traditional banking system. The company made this announcement...
World Bank, CommBank Team Up for ‘World First’ Blockchain Bond Transaction
The World Bank says its new debt instrument "bond-i" is the first bond to have both issuance and trading recorded on a blockchain
Emberfund Turns Your Phone Into a Crypto Hedge Fund
Emberfund is a new mobile app that lets anyone buy into an index of cryptocurrencies that automatically balances itself over time
Paxos Now Allows for Instantaneously Redeeming Unlimited Amounts of PAX for USD
PAX stablecoin tokens can now be instantly redeemed for U.S. dollars, the company announced
Enterprise Ethereum Alliance Publishes Latest Client Specs in Blockchain Standards Push
The EEA has published its latest client spec, which simplifies permissioning systems for enterprise blockchains, among other recommendations
When the Dust Settles: The Bitfinex Probe Reveals Structural Weaknesses
The Bitfinex probe highlights not just the lack of reliable banking, but also – somewhat overlooked – the lack of auditing services, says Noelle Acheson
Boston Fed Announces Plans To Design a Blockchain ‘Supervisory Node’
The Boston Federal Reserve is close to launching their own private supervisory node
US Senate Banking Committee Presses Facebook for Info on Crypto Project
A committee of the U.S. Senate is seeking information on Facebook’s secretive cryptocurrency project
US Senators Seek Information on Facebook’s ‘Libra’ Crypto Project
The U.S. Senate Banking Committee wants to know more about Facebook's crypto project
Crypto Wallet Abra Adds In-App Support for ‘Thousands’ of US Banks
Crypto wallet Abra now let users connect to “thousands” of U.S. banks. It's also added withdrawals for all 30 supported cryptos
Nordic Banking Giant Nordea Opens Blockchain Trading Platform to More Clients
Nordea is now allowing small and medium-sized enterprises to use its blockchain platform
DeFi: Seamless Payments with Totle
Decentralized finance (DeFi): The industry of financial services built on the blockchain for the purpose of removing consumers’ dependency on the banking system, enhancing financial security, and expanding consumers’ financial capabilities. DeFi services offer users complete control over their...
Komentář: Apple představil vlastní kreditní kartu. Blíží se soumrak klasických bank?
Apple v pondělí výrazným způsobem zčeřil vody bankovního sektoru, když představil vlastní kreditní kartu a významněji tak pronikl do oblasti financí. V České republice způsobila velký rozruch již samotná služba Apple Pay, která umožňuje snadno a bezpečně provést platbu mobilem, a v zahraničí si...
Creating an Animated Login Form for TouchID
I came across this amazing Dribbble shot by Jakub Reis a while back. It caught my eye and I knew that I just had to try recreating it in code. At that moment, I didn’t know how. I tried out a bunch of different things, and about a year later, I finally managed to make this demo.
I learned a couple...
Jak se chce pražská BSC stát světovým lídrem openbankingu
Pražská BSC, jedna z největších světových společností dodávající openbankingové systémy, připravila globální relaunch své značky. Změny jsou reakcí na pokračující globální expanzi firmy i na vývoj nových produktů, které by BSC rádo přinesla na celosvětový trh. Relativně nenápadná pražská firma...
[aktualita] Fio banka měla nedostupný internet banking, nejel jí ani web
Web Fio banky byl v pondělí ráno dočasně mimo provoz a zákazníci se ještě v tuto chvíli (10:00) nemohou přihlásit ani do internetového bankovnictví. Podle mluvčího banky Zdeňka Kováře je problém dočasný a může za něj výpadek interních systémů. „Asi před půlhodinou nám vypadly systémy, včetně...
Bitcoin’s Price is Nearing All-Time Highs, But Market Confidence Isn’t
While the price of bitcoin is within striking distance of all-time highs set in March, worries about the state of the network’s infrastructure are combining to depress sentiment. Chief among concerns are the ongoing issues at British Virgin Islands-based digital currency exchange Bitfinex,...
Bitcoin Banking, Solving ID Theft, and Why Regulators Should Love Pasties
John Law wonders if cryptocurrencies could secure your cash, BLTs could protect your ID and bitcoin is wrongly named
Cryptocurrency Exchange CoinMKT Announces US Banking Partner
Los Angeles exchange CoinMKT now trades in nine cryptocurrencies and is able to accept wires from US bank accounts