
Nalezeno "legal": 2339

Traditional Law and Finance Can Adapt to Bitcoin, These Examples Show

Bitcoin brought about solutions to persistent problems that stood in the way of previous attempts to invent digital money, such as the risk of double spending. Some of its features, however, like the characteristic irreversibility of blockchain transactions, have created certain challenges for...

Coinbase Receives E-Money License From the Central Bank of Ireland

Coinbase has secured a new legal foothold in Europe. The San Francisco-based cryptocurrency exchange has received an e-money license from the Bank of Ireland, which it can potentially use to continuing serving its customers across the continent, in case Brexit causes any disruptions. Also Read:...

Crypto Outpaces Political Donation Laws in Japan

A major Japanese news publication has reported that crypto donations to individual politicians are legal and do not need to be reported publicly as donations. Japan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications verified that even though it is illegal to donate cash or securities directly...

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