Skirting the Great Wall: The Chequered Saga of Crypto in China, 2018
Part two of Cointelegraph’s three-part series on the history of crypto regulations in China, as authorities in 2018 intensified their efforts to strike a fatal blow on the industry
Skirting the Great Wall: The Checkered Saga of Crypto in China, 2013-2017
“When China sneezes, Bitcoin catches a cold”: part I of a III-part series covering the history of crypto in China
Overstock’s Medici Ventures Invests in Wine-Tracking Blockchain Startup
Medici Ventures, the blockchain accelerator arm of, has made a seven-figure investment in wine-tracking startup VinX
Monero price page is part of The CoinDesk 20 that features price history, price ticker, market cap and live charts for the top cryptocurrencies. Monero is a privacy focused currency created in 2014. A participant on the Bitcointalk forum going by the username “Thankful_for_today”...
Exit Scam in Wonderland: Bitconnect’s Tentacles From Texas to Gujarat
Cointelegraph traces Bitconnect’s tangle of high crimes and misdemeanours in the Indian state of Gujarat
Life’s Code: Blockchain and the Future of Genomics
Sequencing the world: blockchain and the future of genomics
Hong Kong Extends Migrant Policy to Facilitate DLT and FinTech Professionals
Under a new “Talent List” initiative, the Hong Kong government will simplify its immigration policy to attract DLT and fintech professionals
Crypto Exchange Hacks in Review: Proactive Steps and Expert Advice
Only since the beginning of the year, over $742,68 million have been stolen from crypto exchanges, and a series of attacks goes on. Why does this happen and how can exchanges defend themselves?
CBP: Our ‘Live Fire’ Blockchain Test Is Entering the Proof-of-Concept Phase
U. S. Customs and Border Protection will begin its live testing of a shipment tracking system on a blockchain after Labor Day
Zambia, Overstock’s Medici Ink Deal on Blockchain Land Registry Pilot
American retail giant's blockchain subsidiary is partnering with the Zambian government to build a blockchain land title registry
Blockchain prostoupí i do mobilu. HTC na podzim ukáže jak
O smartphonech, které by využívaly blockchain už jsme slyšeli z různých směrů, ale HTC teď poslalo tiskovou zprávu, čímž projekt získává punc oficiality. Jmenuje se HTC Exodus a psali jsme o něm už před dvěma měsíci. Dnes ale HTC oznámilo, že zájemcům umožní předběžný přístup k telefonu již ve
Script & Style Show: Episode 13: Decentralized Identity with Daniel Buchner
In this episode: David and Todd return from travels to San Francisco, Oslo, and Iceland, Todd reveals he’s a new (dog) father, and they welcome guest Daniel Buchner, a Senior PM for Microsoft’s Decentralized Identity team. Daniel shares his knowledge about blockchain and crypto, then...
Blockchain Can Legally Authenticate Evidence, Chinese Judge Rules
A court in China's Hangzhou city has ruled that evidence authenticated with blockchain technology can be presented in legal disputes
Factom Blockchain Project Wins Grant to Protect US Border Patrol Data
The Department of Homeland Security has awarded a grant to blockchain project Factom for live testing a platform for securing camera and sensor data
The Yes Votes Are In: EOS Blockchain to Launch Imminently
The candidates for EOS's equivalent of "miners" have voted tonight to move the hotly anticipated blockchain to its next launch phase
Blockchain’s Once-Feared 51% Attack Is Now Becoming Regular
At least five cryptocurrencies have recently been hit with a 51% attack, a vulnerability users used to scoff at
Jimmy Wales, Special App, and Startup Oscars: This Year BlockShow Is Gearing Up
BlockShow brings many surprises and at least one huge reveal
Jak zabránit stáčení tachometrů u ojetých aut: Piráti by k tomu využili blockchain
Piráti představili návrh, jak zatočit s přetáčením tachometrů při prodeji ojetých vozů. Strana se inspirovala u belgického systému Car-Pass. Ve stručnosti se jedná o systém povinného hlášení odečtu tachometru během servisu/STK do centrální databáze.
Ke každému vozu pak lze vygenerovat certifikát
Fixing the News: Blockchain-Powered Solutions for Media in Crisis
A handful of blockchain-driven media startups that aspire to revolutionize the news economy are different in this important sense
Dočkáme se Facecoinu? Facebook zvažuje spuštění vlastní kryptoměny
„Myslí to vážně,“ komentuje jeden z anonymních zdrojů plán Facebooku na spuštění vlastní kryptoměny. Po neúspěchu Facebook Credits z roku 2009 se tak chce sociální gigant znovu pokusit o zavedení měny, se kterou by se platilo na síti.Další články k tématu:Facebook spustí novu divizi zaměřenou...