[aktualita] Učící se stroje a blockchain. SAP v rámci inovačního tažení veze peníze i do Česka
Pokud v Evropě dojde řeč na to, kde se kumuluje nejvíce mladých technologických firem a kam proudí největší množství rizikového kapitálu, je to vedle sílící Paříže a Londýna zejména Berlín. Jeho výhody si vyzkoušela i česká firma Portadi, která se zde dostala do akcelerátoru Microsoft Ventures...
EOS: Unpacking the Big Promises Behind a Possible Blockchain Contender
Dan Larimer says his new project has an infinitely scalable blockchain, but skeptics doubt the controversial figure's ability to pull it off
Indian Banks Select Microsoft As Exclusive Cloud Blockchain Provider
A group of India-based banks have struck a new strategic partnership with US tech giant Microsoft
Why the Blockchain Needs More Failures to Succeed
Tired of scams? Entrepreneur William Mougayar argues that more failures are needed to take the blockchain industry to the next level
The Litening: Will Litecoin Be the First Big Blockchain With Lightning?
A new test version of the Lightning Network launched today, marking a step toward a long-awaited live debut on a major cryptocurrency
State of Blockchain 2017
var researchConfig = { “title”: “State of Blockchain Q4 2016”, “subtitle”: “Summarizes key trends, data and events from the fourth quarter of 2016 and the year as a whole.”, “publishDate”: “March 6th, 2017”, “slug”:...
A (Short) Guide to Blockchain Consensus Protocols
Bitcoin's consensus mechanism is great, but it isn't perfect. This article looks at some of the more viable public blockchain alternatives
Drugs, Code and ICOs: Monero’s Long Road to Blockchain Respect
CoinDesk explores the alternative digital currency monero and its long road to becoming of the industry's most talked-about projects
The Blockchain Created By Ethereum’s Fork is Forking Now
A blockchain that was born out of the rejection of a specific technical change is on the verge of making that specific change, some argue
The Stolen DAO Funds Are On the Move
More than $5m worth of digital currency associated with the attack on The DAO is on the move
On Tokens and Crowdsales: How Startups Are Using Blockchain to Raise Capital
A look at the ways startups are utilising blockchain-based software tokens, and the various decentralized business models taking shape around them
Alternative Ethereum Blockchain Gains Support as Price Declines
Ethereum Classic may have started as a protest currency against the hard fork, but it is gaining more services
Libertarian Party of Texas to Store Election Results On Three Blockchains
The Libertarian Party of Texas will log the results of its ballot initiatives on three separate blockchains implemented by Blockchain Technology Corp
Microsoft Adds Distributed Storage Blockchain to Azure
Distributed file storage startup Storj Labs is the latest blockchain service provider to join Microsoft’s blockchain offering
Dubai Government Looks to Blockchain Amid ‘Smart Cities’ Drive
CoinDesk speaks to Noah Raford a key driver of Dubai's Museum of the Future initiative, which recently unveiled its support for blockchain tech
Microsoft Adds 5 New Blockchain Partners to Azure
Tech giant Microsoft has added five new services to its blockchain-as-a-service (BaaS) solution
Why Microsoft Wants ‘Every Blockchain’ on its Azure Platform
Microsoft's head of technology strategy opens up about the firm's plans to carve out a market position in the blockchain space
BitPay Among Latest to Join Microsoft Blockchain Platform
BitPay is among four new partners joining Microsoft's forthcoming blockchain-as-a-service offering on its Azure platform
Why and How Banks Should Embrace Blockchain Tech
In the second part of his three-part series, angel investor William Mougayar looks at why and how banks should start embracing blockchain technology
Decentralized Internet Project MaidSafe to Raise Funds via ‘Safecoin’ Sale
The organization working to create a decentralized Internet starts its native payment system with a crowd-sale starting tomorrow