
Nalezeno "Microsoft": 3482

The Best Gamescom Surprise So Far Is This Spell-Casting Shooter

Fans of fast-paced first-person shooters that send you beyond the earthly plane to murder demons while heavy metal plays in the background should have their interest piqued by a certain upcoming release. No, no, not another Doom. We’re talking about an indie game called Into the Pit, which looks...

Xbox One’s ‘Black Screen Of Death’ Is Bricking Consoles (Again)

Most everyone remembers the infamous “red ring of death,” an Xbox 360 hardware malfunction in which the console power ring would turn red and the console would just...stop working. The problem was eventually fixed after Microsoft dropped a cool $1 billion on it. But now there’s another flaw...

Psychonauts 2: The Kotaku Review

People are complicated. Nobody is simply selfish or sad. No one is born bad or heroic. We are a collection of memories and experiences, some good and some…not so good. These messes of thoughts and emotions can be hard to handle sometimes, but they’re also what makes us unique. It’s what makes...

Na nezáplatované servery Microsoft Exchange útočí nový ransomware LockFile

Nový ransomwarový gang, označovaný jako LockFile, útočí na servery postavené na MS Windows. K průniku používá sadu tří zřetězených zranitelností ProxyShell, jež byly odhaleny v Exchange Serveru. Tyto zranitelnosti dovolují útočníkům vzdáleně spouštět škodlivý kód. Zranitelnosti odhalil

Halo Infinite Won't Have Campaign Co-Op At Launch

Microsoft and 343 Industries announced today that campaign co-op and Forge mode won’t be available in Halo Infinite at launch. Instead, they’ll be added to the game next year. They also promised more and bigger flights to test out modes like Big Team Battle. And no, we still don’t have a release...

Microsoft 365 zdraží o čtvrtinu. Zatím se to týká jen firemních verzí

Kancelářskou sadu za předplatné používá již přes 300 milionů lidí. Během své historie se několikrát změnila. Už se nejmenuje Office 365, ale Microsoft 365. Přibylo do ní 24 nových aplikací a přes 1400 funkcí. A změní se i cena, Microsoft si za přidanou hodnotu nechá připlatit. Od 1. března 2022

Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut Fixes PS5’s Busted Save Transfers

Save transfers have been a mess on PS5. Time and again, people have wanted to play upgraded versions of their old PS4 games only to discover they can’t import their previous save files without placing their console on a dark altar and performing arcane rituals. Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s...

Why Halo Infinite’s Bots Act So Much Like People

Last month, developer 343 Industries hosted a beta—fine, a “technical test”—for Halo Infinite’s competitive multiplayer mode. Those selected for participation were given a chance to test-drive one shaky server, three maps, and about a dozen-odd weapons for the long-anticipated first-person shooter...

The Late-Summer Game Pass Lineup Is Stacked

​​Xbox Game Pass’ initial August additions were somewhat of a letdown, thanks to a lineup anchored by Hades (amazing) but not much else. For the back half of the month, Microsoft seems to have turned up the heat...with a cloud version of Need for Speed Heat. (I’m so sorry. I can’t help myself.)...

Microsoft Blockchain Study, Walmart Crypto Job, Samsung & CBDC and More News

Get your daily, bite-sized digest of cryptoasset and blockchain-related news – investigating the stories flying under the radar of today’s crypto news. Adoption news Computing giant Microsoft has done a study of a blockchain-based incentive system to bolster anti-piracy campaigns in a paper, dubbed...

Cena Microsoft 365 pro rodiny klesla na půlroční minimum. Stojí 1590 Kč na rok

Alza dnes od 9. hodiny rozjíždí další „Black Friday“. Není sice pátek a už vůbec ne ten jediný černý, ale některé slevy největšího tuzemského e-shopu jsou dost atraktivní. Kupříkladu již v nadpisu provařená roční licence na Microsoft 365 pro rodiny. Balík MS Office, 1TB kapacita na OneDrivu a

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