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A Crypto Trader’s View on Managing Risk

As we all know, cryptocurrency is the most volatile market in the world, at least for the last few years.Continue Reading The post A Crypto Trader’s View on Managing Risk appeared first on CoinMarketCap Blog

Chinese Court Rules Bitcoin Is Asset Protected by Law

A court in Shanghai, China, has reportedly ruled that bitcoin is an asset protected by Chinese law in a case that has dragged on for years. The case involves a theft of two different cryptocurrencies, one being bitcoin, from an American. The defendants argued that bitcoin was not recognized under...

75 Companies Back Facebook Libra’s Competitor Celo

Celo, a competing project to Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency, has added 50% more new members to its alliance, bringing the total number of supporting organizations to 75. Some Celo members are also supporters of the Libra project, such as Coinbase Ventures, Anchorage, and Andreessen Horowitz....

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