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Responsive web design turns ten.

Ethan on the thinking and research that inspired the term: Around that time, my partner Elizabeth visited the High Line in New York City shortly after it opened. When she got back, she told me about these wheeled lounge chairs she saw in one section, and how people would move them apart for a...

Responsive web design turns ten.

Ethan on the thinking and research that inspired the term: Around that time, my partner Elizabeth visited the High Line in New York City shortly after it opened. When she got back, she told me about these wheeled lounge chairs she saw in one section, and how people...

Unprefixed `appearance `

It’s interesting how third-parties are sometimes super involved in pushing browser things forward. One big story there was how Bloomberg hired Igalia to implement CSS grid across the browsers. Here’s another story of Bocoup doing that, this time for the appearance property. The story...

Accio Bitcoin! J.K. Rowling Gets a Hogwarts-Style Bitcoin Education

Over the weekend, crypto Twitter poured all of the passion and energy normally reserved for Bitcoin breaking $10,000 into furiousContinue Reading The post Accio Bitcoin! J.K. Rowling Gets a Hogwarts-Style Bitcoin Education appeared first on CoinMarketCap Blog

Comparing Social Media Outlets for Developer Tips

As a little experiment, I shared a development tip on three different social networks. I also tried to post it in a format that was most suitable for that particular social network: On Twitter, I made it a thread. On Instagram, I made it a series of images. On YouTube, I made it a video. How...

Twitter bude označovat nepravdy o koronaviru. Zasáhne to i tweety Trumpa

Twitter podnikl další krok, kterým chce bojovat proti šíření polopravd a dezinformací týkající se pandemie nového koronaviru. Zprávy, které budou obsahovat nesprávné informace rozporující doporučení lékařů, bude označovat speciálním štítkem, oznámila síť na svém blogu. Opatření se má týkat všech

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