10 Web Performance Audit Tips for Your Next Billion Users in 2018: Delivering Optimized Resources
Don’t just get assets from your resources pool and dump it right into your web pages. There is always a high chance that SVGs, images, fonts, videos, and every kind of asset you can think of come i
10 Web Performance Audit Tips for Your Next Billion Users in 2019: Delivering Optimized Resources
Don’t just get assets from your resources pool and dump it right into your web pages. There is always a high chance that SVGs, images, fonts, videos, and every kind of asset you can think of come i
10 Web Performance Audit Tips for Your Next Billion Users in 2018: Render-Blocking Styles
CSS files are rendered while rendering the actual document, not after. For this reason, the document has to wait for the CSS to be parsed and interpreted before anything is shown on the screen. The
10 Web Performance Audit Tips for Your Next Billion Users in 2019: Render-Blocking Styles
CSS files are rendered while rendering the actual document, not after. For this reason, the document has to wait for the CSS to be parsed and interpreted before anything is shown on the screen. The
10 Web Performance Audit Tips for Your Next Billion Users in 2018: Art Direction
It is very important not to confuse design with art direction. Design is perfection in technique while art direction is about the important, yet sometimes intangible emotion that powers the design
10 Web Performance Audit Tips for Your Next Billion Users in 2019: Art Direction
It is very important not to confuse design with art direction. Design is perfection in technique while art direction is about the important, yet sometimes intangible emotion that powers the design
V sobotu proběhne mezinárodní Flutter Hackathon
V sobotu 1. 6. proběhne v Praze Flutter Hackathon v rámci akce International Flutter Hackathon, který se bude konat souběžně na 60 místech na světě. Hackathon je zaměřený na framework Flutter (mobilní aplikace, web)…
Amazon AWS Extends Support For Aelf Enterprise, The First Cross-Chain Blockchain
In the past couple, all the major business companies in the world have placed their bets on blockchain technology, and Amazon is no different. It has been exploring the distributed ledger realm actively for quite some time. Amazon Web Services, the world’s largest computing platform, has recently...
10 Web Performance Audit Tips for Your Next Billion Users in 2018: Resolution Switching
We need to learn that when it comes to responsive design, this doesn’t cut it for responsive images:
img {
width: 100%;
height: auto;
This is not a silver bulle
10 Web Performance Audit Tips for Your Next Billion Users in 2019: Resolution Switching
We need to learn that when it comes to responsive design, this doesn’t cut it for responsive images:
img {
width: 100%;
height: auto;
This is not a silver bulle
10 Web Performance Audit Tips for Your Next Billion Users in 2018: Offscreen Loading
Just as the name implies, offscreen images are images that appear below the fold. Since users can't see offscreen images wh
10 Web Performance Audit Tips for Your Next Billion Users in 2019: Offscreen Loading
Just as the name implies, offscreen images are images that appear below the fold. Since users can't see offscreen images wh
Could “Noow” Form A Bridge Between Television and Crypto-Collectibles
Swisscom AG is Switzerland’s leading provider of telecommunications services. The Swisscom has recently introduced a new product called Noow, which uses the non-fungible tokens (NFTs). This new project shows the art that you have through NFTs and how many copies of the work of an artist were...
7 Best Character Design Tips for Web Designers
Being familiar with the best character design tips can help you use illustrations in web design in a smart way. Whatever solutions excite creative minds, the illustrative approach has...
The post 7 Best Character Design Tips for Web Designers appeared first on Onextrapixel
Front-End Documentation, Style Guides and the Rise of MDX
You can have the best open source project in the world but, if it doesn’t have good documentation, chances are it’ll never take off. In the office, good documentation could save you having to repeatedly answer the same questions. Documentation ensures that people can figure out how things work...
Collective #518
Take Back Your Web * Animation Handbook * Accessible Icon Buttons * The State of Fluid Web Typography
Collective #518 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
What Does it Mean to Be “Full Stack”?
I was asked this recently by a fellow developer who was at the same web tech conference I was at. This developer had met a lot of new people who literally introduced themselves as full-stack developers sort of the way Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration would on The Office, but it was Tony Frank...
[aktualita] Web České televize byl od rána pod DDoS útokem
Web České televize se od rána potýkal s DDoS útokem, který úspěšně omezil jeho funkčnost. Hlavní webová stránka začala být plošně dostupná až kolem 13:30, ještě nějaký čas poté se ale uživatelé mohli potýkat s pomalejším načítáním stránek. Karolína Blinková, tisková mluvčí televize prozradila,...
10 Web Performance Audit Tips for Your Next Billion Users in 2018: TTI: Time to Interactive
First Meaningful Paint is close to useless because it’s an illusion. It’s a decoy to keep the user from bouncing off your website while we get them the real thing. When does the user get this r
10 Web Performance Audit Tips for Your Next Billion Users in 2019: TTI: Time to Interactive
First Meaningful Paint is close to useless because it’s an illusion. It’s a decoy to keep the user from bouncing off your website while we get them the real thing. When does the user get this r