
Nalezeno "AI on blockchain": 23656

CoinMarketCap joins the ecosystem in Malta

Malta, January 7th, 2019 –  CoinMarketCap, the world’s most trusted and accurate source of data for the cryptocurrency market, is to join the office space at the Malta-based chiliZ Blockchain Campus. We aim to better localize and improve our product […] The post CoinMarketCap joins...


Monero price page is part of The CoinDesk 20 that features price history, price ticker, market cap and live charts for the top cryptocurrencies. Monero is a privacy focused currency created in 2014. A participant on the Bitcointalk forum going by the username “Thankful_for_today”...

Blockchain prostoupí i do mobilu. HTC na podzim ukáže jak

O smartphonech, které by využívaly blockchain už jsme slyšeli z různých směrů, ale HTC teď poslalo tiskovou zprávu, čímž projekt získává punc oficiality. Jmenuje se HTC Exodus a psali jsme o něm už před dvěma měsíci. Dnes ale HTC oznámilo, že zájemcům umožní předběžný přístup k telefonu již ve

Script & Style Show: Episode 13: Decentralized Identity with Daniel Buchner

In this episode:  David and Todd return from travels to San Francisco, Oslo, and Iceland, Todd reveals he’s a new (dog) father, and they welcome guest Daniel Buchner, a Senior PM for Microsoft’s Decentralized Identity team.  Daniel shares his knowledge about blockchain and crypto, then...

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