
Nalezeno "BOX": 359

[aktualita] Nový set-top box Vodafone TV reaguje na hlasové povely v češtině

Služba Vodafone TV se rozšiřuje o prémiový set-top box s funkcí hlasového ovládání v českém jazyce. K přepnutí na jiný televizní program stačí říct třeba jen „Přepni na ČT 1“. V češtině dále rozumí například pokynům „Zastavit“, „Hlasitěji“, „Zesílit“, „Předchozí kanál“ nebo „Přehraj od začátku“...

Video Game Companies Keep Coming Up With New Ways To Take Our Money

Video games are expensive. They have been expensive for a very long time, and they keep getting more expensive. To an extent, it makes sense: Game developers need to eat! But after a certain point, it gets excessive. Loot boxes, gacha, and now NFTs are signs of that excess. On this week’s...

The Things I Add to Tailwind CSS Right Out of the Box

In every project where I use Tailwind CSS, I end up adding something to it. Some of these things I add in every single project. I’ll share these with you, but I’m also curious what y’all are adding to … The post The Things I Add to Tailwind CSS Right Out of the Box appeared first...

[článek] Musíte vyměnit set-top box pro O2 TV? Ukážeme vám, jak to poznat

[3 minuty čtení] Modernizace O2 TV chystaná na podzim 2021 znamená, že zákazníci s nejstaršími set-top boxy si je budou muset vyměnit. Jak poznáte, že se vás tato situace týká? Jak jsme už informovali v krátké aktualitě, operátor O2 nabízí svým klientům, využívajícím službu O2 TV prostřednictvím...

What's New on HBO Max in March 2021

You may think you have seen Justice League, but have you seen Zack Snyder’s Justice League? If you are at all interested in comic books, movies, or troubling think pieces on internet troll subculture, and have been online at all in the last four years, you are probably well aware of what’s coming....

Epic Settles Real Lawsuit With Fake Money

Fortnite players who purchased one of Save The World’s randomized Loot Llamas will receive 1000 V-Bucks, developer Epic announced today. The move comes as part of a preliminary class action settlement regarding loot boxes.Read more

Getting Deep into Shadows

Let’s talk shadows in web design. Shadows add texture, perspective, and emphasize the dimensions of objects. In web design, using light and shadow can add physical realism and can be used to make rich, tactile interfaces. Take the landing page … The post Getting Deep into Shadows appeared...

Re-Creating the Porky Pig Animation from Looney Tunes in CSS

You know, Porky Pig coming out of those red rings announcing the end of a Looney Tunes cartoon. We’ll get there, but first we need to cover some CSS concepts. Everything in CSS is a box, or rectangle. Rectangles … The post Re-Creating the Porky Pig Animation from Looney Tunes in CSS appeared...

Simulating Drop Shadows with the CSS Paint API

Ask a hundred front-end developers, and most, if not all, of them will have used the box-shadow property in their careers. Shadows are enduringly popular, and can add an elegant, subtle effect if used properly. But shadows occupy a strange … The post Simulating Drop Shadows with the...

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