
Nalezeno "Crypto Scam": 383

US Seizes Domains Used in ‘Pig Butchering’ Crypto Scam

U.S. authorities have seized seven domains used in “pig butchering” cryptocurrency schemes. “Once the money is sent to the fake investment app, the scammer vanishes, taking all the money with them, often resulting in significant losses for the victim,” the Department...

Gaming Pros Battle Elon Musk's Twitter While Ditching Bankrupt Crypto Sponsor

In April, crypto exchange FTX paid esports company TSM $210 million to change its name to TSM FTX. On Wednesday, TSM FTX changed its name back to just plain old TSM days after FTX filed for bankruptcy following the biggest crash in crypto history. And it only had to spam Twitter’s save button...

DeviantArt Embraces AI Art, Screws Up Massively

DeviantArt is a website that has survived multiple generations of the internet because it does one thing and does it well: it lets artists upload and share their work. That’s it! So it’s both funny and more than a little tragic to see the site try something new last week, only for it to be...

Hyped Mystery Square Enix Game Turns Out To Be NFT Junk

While several big gaming companies have flirted with the idea of non-fungible tokens, none has embraced the crypto scam with as much blind confidence as Square Enix. Now the Final Fantasy maker has finally revealed its first NFT stunt, Symbiogenesis, crushing fan hopes that the previously leaked...

Congress Questions Coinbase, FTX, Binance, Kraken in Crypto Fraud Crackdown

A House committee has sent letters to four U.S. federal agencies and five cryptocurrency exchanges asking for information about what they are doing to combat cryptocurrency fraud and scams. Congress Questions Regulators and Crypto Exchanges The House Committee on Oversight and Reform sent letters...

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