
Nalezeno "E-Commerce": 394

Karatbars Accused of Fraud; Claims Obama’s Sister is a Supporter

Karatbars International is a project led by Harald Seiz, Josip Heit, Alex Bodi, and Ovidiu Toma. It is a global Multi-level Marketing (MLM) e-commerce business known for selling small gold bars and gift items in gold bullion. The company has come under fire recently over its past promises...

Ostravské e-commerce opice míří do Brna

Brněnský Impact hub bude zítra 21.9. hostit E-commerce Day 2019 Celodenní akci pro e-shopy a e-shopisty. Konference bude našlapaná osobnostmi českého e-commerce. A když se bavíme o osobnostech, nemohou tam chybět již zmiňované ostravské opice z MonkeyData. Poprosili jsme jejich zakladatele Jana...

Tipy, jak budovat komunitní marketing podle Radka Hudáka, CMO Shoptetu

V Shoptetu, platformě pro e-shopy a pokladny, zvolili několik základních kroků, jak dělat komunitní marketing jinak. Opřely svou strategii o influencery, partnery a zaměřili se na to, jak pracovat s lidmi, kteří jsou v jejich okolí. Rozpovídal se o tom CMO Shoptetu na konferenci SaaS Movement....

Yandex ties up with VTB bank launching an Investment Portal

After a much-struggled partnership between Yandex, Russia’s most valuable digital company and Sberbank, a retail state-owned bank to kick start an internet marketplace, everything seems to have come to an abrupt halt. Media is considering it be the case of sour grapes. Yandex is rather looking...

Yahoo Japan Set to Buy Fashion E-Commerce Giant ‘ZoZo’

While it is true that Yahoo has fallen way behind the tech giants of the day, its joint venture Yahoo Japan remains one of the world’s biggest internet companies in the world. At this point in time, Yahoo Japan is the most dominant internet company in the Asian country and continues to consolidate...

Alibaba Acquires NetEase for $2 Billion as Luxury Push Gathers Pace

The e-commerce industry in China has grown at a truly remarkable pace over the last decade and the company that has decisively emerged as the biggest player in the industry is Alibaba. It is one of the biggest e-commerce companies in the world and due to the sheer size of the Chinese market,...

Amazon in Discussions to Invest in Indonesian Ride-Hailing Company, Gojek

Ever since Uber first burst into the scene with its ride-hailing service and expanded into different countries, many other ride-hailing services have come up in different parts of the world. Over the years, the Indonesian ride-hailing service Gojek has managed to grow into one of the nation’s most...

E-Commerce Giant Amazon Opens Its Biggest Campus in Hyderabad

Amazon started more than two decades ago as an online bookstore but over the years the company managed to turn the e-commerce industry on its head to become one of the most valuable companies in the world. Nowadays it does billion of dollars in business and has huge operations all across the world....

Pilulka za první polrok utržila přes miliardu, letos cílí na 2,5 miliardy

Skupina Pilulka, kterou založil a vede Martin Kasa, za první půlrok vykázala meziroční nárůst tržeb o 31 procent a o šedesát milionů tak přesáhla hranici jedné miliardy korun. Největší podíl tvoří internetová divize. „Růst v prvním pololetí byl zapříčiněn několika faktory. Lehce ale cíleně jsme...

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