
Nalezeno "Hacking": 357

Kucoin CEO Says Exchange Hack Suspects ‘Found,’ $204 Million Recovered

According to the Kucoin exchange CEO Johnny Lyu, the trading platform has recovered $204 million in crypto assets since October 1. The exchange executive says the hacking suspects have been “found” and the “police are officially involved” in order to take action....

Cryptojacking: A Rising Threat to All Internet Users

The cryptocurrency revolution steadily marches on. While it has yet to completely reshape the financial and other systems of everyday life, crypto acquisition and usage grow yearly. There is so much to love about cryptocurrency. From its decentralized and democratic nature to the higher levels...

Defi Protocol Bzx Loses $8.1 Million in Third Hack This Year

So called decentralized finance (defi) lending platform Bzx on Sunday lost $8.1 million in a new hacking attack, the third this year, caused by a flawed code in its smart contracts. The bug allowed the hacker to mint 219,200 LINK tokens (valued at $2.6 million); 4,503 ETH ($1.65 million); 1,756,351...

Hacking of PM Modi Happened at Bad Time for Indian Crypto Industry

Narendra Modi. Source: A video screenshot, Youtube/Narendra Modi An apparent hacking of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Twitter account by attackers seeking to scam people into sending cryptocurrency came at a bad time for the industry in India, where the government is still working out what...

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