Dynamic, Conditional Imports
With ES Modules, you can natively import other JavaScript. Like confetti, duh:
import confetti from '';
That import statement is just gonna run. There is a pattern to do it conditionally though. It’s like this:
(async ()
The post...
Fading in a Page on Load with CSS & JavaScript
Louis Lazaris demonstrates a very simple way of doing this.
Hide the body (with JavaScript) right away with opacity: 0
Wait for all the JavaScript to execute
Unhide the body by transitioning it back to opacity: 1
Like this:
The post Fading in a Page on Load with CSS &...
Two Issues Styling the Details Element and How to Solve Them
In the not-too-distant past, even basic accordion-like interactions required JavaScript event listeners or some CSS… trickery. And, depending on the solution used, editing the underlying HTML could get complicated.
Now, the <details> and <summary> elements (which combine to form...
navigator.clipboard API
Interacting with a user’s host clipboard is something web developers have wanted for both good and evil purposes. On the good side, it’s nice to allow users to easily copy text like wallet addresses or branch names; for evil, copying malicious text that the user may mistakenly paste...
Creating CSS APIs without JavaScript With the datasette-css-properties plugin
Simon Willison has a project called Datasette, an open source multi-tool for exploring and publishing data. I’m not sure I’m qualified to explain it, but it’s like a tool to make handling data easier and doing more — …
The post Creating CSS APIs without JavaScript With...
Win a Copy of Zell Liew’s Learn JavaScript Course
Zell Liew is giving away 10 free copies of his Learn JavaScript course, and entering the giveaway is pretty easy: sign up for his newsletter. I’ve personally subscribed for some time now and all I get is as occasional …
The post Win a Copy of Zell Liew’s Learn JavaScript Course...
Kopírování/klonování objektů v JS
Jak správně a úspěšně zkopírovat objekt v JavaScriptu. Popíšeme různé metody a rozdíly mezi nimi
Kopírování/klonování objektů v JS
Jak správně a úspěšně zkopírovat objekt v JavaScriptu. Popíšeme různé metody a rozdíly mezi nimi
Create a Tag Cloud with some Simple CSS and even Simpler JavaScript
I’ve always liked tag clouds. I like the UX of seeing what tags are most popular on a website by seeing the relative font size of the tags, popular tags being bigger. They seem to have fallen out of fashion, …
The post Create a Tag Cloud with some Simple CSS and even Simpler JavaScript...
Collective #642
Hotwire * AnimXYZ * Let's Build a Confetti Cannon * Pattern Generator * Conditional JavaScript
The post Collective #642 appeared first on Codrops
Integrating TypeScript with Svelte
Svelte is one of the newer JavaScript frameworks and it’s rapidly rising in popularity. It’s a template-based framework, but one which allows for arbitrary JavaScript inside the template bindings; it has a superb reactivity story that’s simple, flexible and effective; and as an ahead-of-time (AOT)...
Return a Default Value with Promises Using catch
Last week I tweeted all of you looking for your best JavaScript Array and Promise tricks, and as always, it didn’t disappoint — I learned quite a bit! Today’s JavaScript Promise trick is brought to you by Claudio Semeraro: how to use catch to set a default value instead of...
Break a forEach Loop with JavaScript
I’ve written a number of blog posts about JavaScript tricks: Promise tricks, type conversion tricks, spread tricks, and a host of other JavaScript tricks. I recently ran into another JavaScript trick that blew my mind: how to break a forEach loop. To break the forEach loop at any point,...
“I Don’t Know”
I’ve learned to be more comfortable not knowing. “I don’t know”, comes easier now. “I don’t know anything about that.” It’s okay. It feels good to say.
Whether it’s service workers, Houdini, shadow DOM, web components, HTTP2, CSS grid, “micro-front ends”, AVIF… there are many paths before...
Sharpen Your JavaScript Skills with Pluralsight (Sponsored)
JavaScript recently turned 25 years old, and while it started by dominating over the client side world, this beautiful programming language is well on its way to taking over the server side. JavaScript isn’t just thriving — it’s evolving with new syntax features, patterns...
What’s Old is New
This year, I learned a lot about how “old” tricks can solve a lot of modern problems if you use the right tools. Following the growth of Jamstack-style development has been both a learning experience, while also a nostalgic one. It’s been amazing to see how you can power plain...
25 Years of JavaScript & 25 Free Courses
(This is a sponsored post.)
Pluralsight is giving away 25 courses on JavaScript for free to celebrate JavaScript’s 25th birthday. It’s no cheapie, either. The courses range from getting your hands dirty with JavaScript for the first time, to full-on reactive development....
Knowing what input type you’ve received is hugely important in JavaScript, which is a big reason for Flow and TypeScript’s rise. One such case where it’s useful to know what an object represents is if the input is a string or a React element. To detect if an object is a React...
Let’s Create a Lightweight Native Event Bus in JavaScript
An event bus is a design pattern (and while we’ll be talking about JavaScript here, it’s a design pattern in any language) that can be used to simplify communications between different components. It can also be thought of as publish/subscribe or pubsub.
The idea is that components can listen...
npm ruin dev
In 2020, I rediscovered the enjoyment of building a website with plain ol’ HTML, CSS, and JavaScript — no transpilin’, no compilin’, no build tools other than my hands on the keyboard.
Seeing as my personal brand could be summed up “so late to the game that the stadium has been demolished,”...