8 Digit Hex Colors
One of the most requested capabilities in my early days of web development was the ability to set opacity on elements and even PNG images without the need for browser-specific CSS or hacks. Eventually we got native opacity support and even enjoyed rgba(), the ability to cite an opacity level with...
Hyperlinking Beyond the Web
Hyperlinks are the oldest and the most popular feature of the web. The word hypertext (which is the ht in http/s) means text having hyperlinks. The ability to link to other people’s hypertext made the web, a web — a set of connected pages. This fundamental feature has made the web a very...
Reinvest Your Time with HelloSign API
HelloSign API makes it simple to embed secure and legally binding eSignatures directly into any website. It's 2x faster to implement than other eSign solutions and is also the only eSign API that allows customers to completely white label the integration, meaning our customers can give their...
Easy Document Signing with the Eversign Chrome Extension
A while back I wrote about Eversign, an awesome service that allows you and your clients or partners to digitally sign documents online. If you’ve recently bought a house or did any other large purchases or agreements, you know how important the ability to reliably sign documents online is. ...
Manipulating Pixels Using Canvas
Modern browsers support playing video via the <video> element. Most browsers also have access to webcams via the MediaDevices.getUserMedia() API. But even with those two things combined, we can’t really access and manipulate those pixels directly.
Fortunately, browsers have a Canvas...
The State of Changing Gradients with CSS Transitions and Animations
Back in 2012, Internet Explorer 10 came out and, among other things, it finally supported CSS gradients and, in addition to that, the ability to animate them with just CSS! No other browser supported this at the time, but I was hopeful for the future.
Sadly, six years have passed and nothing...
Upgrade AngularJS Sorting Filters to Angular
In the early days of AngularJS, one of the most celebrated features was the ability to filter and sort data on the page using only template variables and filters. The magic of two-way data binding
JAMstack Comments
JAMstack sites are often seen as being static. A more accurate mental model for them would be that they are sites which have the ability to be hosted statically. The difference might seem semantic, but thanks to the rise of many tools and services which simplify running a build and deploying...