Viking Silver Found on Isle of Man Represents 1,000-Year-Old Analog Version of Bitcoin
Off the coast of the Irish Sea, humans have lived on the Isle of Man since before 6500 B.C. The island has a robust history of Viking Age treasures. According to a recent announcement from Manx National Heritage, a heritage agency located there, an amateur treasure hunter recently discovered...
Game discovery: where do short/niche games fit?
A slightly worrying discussion
Unicly to Leverage Sushi’s Miso Auction Tools to Deepen Fractional NFT Liquidity
As Unicly advances NFT combination, fractionalization, and trading, an integration with Sushiswap’s auction platform is designed to promote better pricing conditions for utoken creators and buyers. Collaboration Designed to Improve NFT Price Discovery Process Despite the cooling hype...
ANNOUNCE: 'The Complete Game Discovery Toolkit' eBook, & 20% off for Plus subs
It's a double whammy, as they say
Mars First Logistics Looks Very Cool
Mars First Logistics is an upcoming game by Australian developer Ian MacLarty. The first thing you’ll probably notice is how nice it looks with that crisp, clean art style.Read more
Game localization for discovery: it's trickier than you think!
There's quite a lot of nuances here
E3 showcases - what discovery boost do they really give?
Who cares, and how much do they care? Some numbers
[článek] Proč si AT&T pláclo s Discovery a čím dráždí Netflix francouzská média
[10 minut čtení] Ustup, televize, přicházejí noví vládci mediální zábavy. A někdy to znamená ukončení provozu lineárních programů s přesměrováním investic do streamovacích služeb. Streamovací služby se pozvolna, ale jistě stávají vládkyněmi televizního trhu. Každá mediální skupina, která nějakou...
Can paid ads for PC/console games give you positive ROI?
Plus loads more from the world of game discovery!
Video games & TikTok: how to get discovery right
An interview with somebody who knows what's up - and lots more
Should we take Roblox seriously as a game discovery platform?
Plus pricing, streaming events, and lots more!
[aktualita] Transakce za desítky miliard dolarů: WarnerMedia se spojí s Discovery
Telekomunikační společnost AT&T a firma Discovery uzavřely dohodu o spojení zábavních, sportovních a zpravodajských aktivit pod značkou WarnerMedia s aktivitami společnosti Discovery. Vznikne tím nová globální společnost, která bude silná v dramatické tvorbě i ve sportovních přenosech. AT&T...
Plus: the return of Days Gone, data galore!
[The GameDiscoverCo game discovery newsletter is written by ‘how people find your game’ expert Simon Carless. This newsletter is exclusive to GameDiscoverCo Plus subscribers, and rounds up a plethora of exclusive platform sales & other analysis.] Good morning, all, and welcome to...
Cardano breaks out vs. Bitcoin as ADA price discovery nears $2
The current "alt season" has produced serious returns but remains subdued when viewed in BTC terms
Upshot Produces Price-Discovery to NFTs with Chainlink’s VRF
Non-fungible Tokens are low-speed resources — they don’t change hands regularly. This implies that the open market has a troublesome time evaluating them effectively. The consequence is building publicly supported non-fungible tokens at the evaluation stage on top of another field...
Plus: Rome burns hot, NieR's porting fail
[The GameDiscoverCo game discovery newsletter is written by ‘how people find your game’ expert Simon Carless. This newsletter is exclusive to GameDiscoverCo Plus subscribers, and rounds up a plethora of exclusive platform sales & other analysis.] Greeting, wonderful GameDiscoverCo Plus...
SEC Accuses Ripple of Harassment, Asks Judge to Block Access to Some Discovery Records
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has asked the judge in the SEC v. Ripple case to block Ripple and its executives from accessing various internal records it claims are unrelated to determining whether XRP is a security. The SEC says that the “defendants do not actually seek...
Lego v dubnu: Discovery pro dospělé, nejlepší stavby a přehled slev
Lego je vesmír sám pro sebe a děje se v něm hromada zajímavostí. • Každý měsíc posbíráme ty nej novinky, stavby, nápady a události. • Samostatnou kapitolu věnujeme slevám na českém trhu
Why TikTok matters for game discovery
And a whole heap of other goodness
SEC v Ripple: Court Denies SEC’s Request for Personal Financial Records Not Connected to XRP
In the SEC v. Ripple case, the court has denied the request by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for personal financial records of Ripple’s executives that are not connected to XRP. The court says that it “is not convinced” that personal banking records would show...