
Nalezeno "faster": 276

Meet Snowglobe: An Avalanche-Based Pre-Consensus Protocol for BCH

On December 20, BCHD and Openbazaar developer Tyler Smith published first draft specifications for a protocol he calls “Snowglobe.” Smith’s Github repository says that Snowglobe is a propagation protocol for nodes using Nakamoto Consensus and it uses an Avalanche-based consensus...

2019’s Bitcoin Miners Are 5x Faster Than Predecessors

High-powered bitcoin miners and next-generation semiconductors go hand in hand and as process node technology grows, SHA256 hashrate follows. Coinshares’ recent bi-annual mining report highlights that newly introduced mining rigs have “as much as 5x the hashrate per unit as their...

Create Amazingly Stable Tests Your Way — Coded and Code-Less

Testim’s end-to-end test automation delivers the speed and stability of AI-based codeless tests, with the power of code. You get the flexibility to record or code tests, run on third-party grids, fit your workflow and tools including CI, Git and more. Join the Dev Kit beta to start writing stable...

Ways to Organize and Prepare Images for a Blur-Up Effect Using Gatsby

Gatsby does a great job processing and handling images. For example, it helps you save time with image optimization because you don’t have to manually optimize each image on your own. With plugins and some configuration, you can even setup image preloading and a technique called blur-up for your...

JAMstack CMSs Have Finally Grown Up!

This article is based on Brian's presentation at Connect.Tech 2019. Slides with speaker notes from that presentation are available to download. In my experience, developers generally find the benefits of the JAMstack easy to comprehend. Sites are faster because the resources are static and served...

[aktualita] Faster v Brně otevřel nové datacentrum a navýšil tržby na 90 milionů

Společnost Faster oficiálně otevřela své druhé datové centrum v Brně v Maloměřicích. Jde o novou budovu sousedící s tou dosavadní, přičemž oba objekty jsou propojeny vnitřní chodbou. Faster provozuje původní datacentrum od roku 2013. Jeho celková plocha je 200 metrů čtverečních a součástí je jeden...

How Hard Is It to Brute Force a Bitcoin Private Key?

Trying to crack a private key with a brute force attack is a bit like trying to count to infinity: the sooner you begin, the faster you’ll never get there. Despite being as next to impossible as impossible gets, using a brute force attack to crack a bitcoin private key remains an intriguing... Image Optimization That Plugs Into Your Infrastructure

Images are the most efficient means to showcase a product or service on a website. They make up for most of the visual content on our website. But, the more images a webpage has, the more bandwidth it consumes, affecting the page load speed - a raging factor having a significant impact on not just...

Collective #559

Zero * ECSY * The problem with dropdown fields * Webwide * Gridsome * CoBeats * Faster Layouts with CSS Grid (and Subgrid!) Collective #559 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

How to Use JPEG 2000 (JP2) for a Faster Images on iPhone (Sponsored)

Images Slow Down Websites Images slow down the page-loading performance of many websites. Audit tools like Google’s Lighthouse can quickly tell you how many seconds you can save by optimizing your images. When you are delivering to desktops or android devices running Chrome browser, a quick...

Smart Contract Blockchains Are Struggling to Scale

Second generation blockchains were presented as being faster, cheaper, and more scalable than Bitcoin. Third generation chains (basically anything that came after Ethereum) promised even greater optimizations. In the event, these networks have run into the same difficulties as Bitcoin, with...

Let’s Make a Fancy, but Uncomplicated Page Loader

It’s pretty common to see a loading state on sites these days, particularly as progressive web apps and reactive sites are on the rise. It’s one way to improve "perceived" performance — that is, making it feel as though the site is loading faster than it actually is. There’s no shortage of ways...

How to Create a QR Code

QR codes aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but I quite like them. If I see something I want to remember or check out later, especially when on the road, it’s super easy to take a quick picture — it’s much easier than trying to remember a URL and much faster than typing...

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