Localbitcoins P2P Exchange Launches Mobile App for Android
Peer-to-peer cryptocurrency marketplace Localbitcoins has announced the launch of a new mobile application for its global user base. The software is designed for devices running on Android. The app has been released in response to a growing number of mobile traders. P2P Crypto Market Localbitcoins...
On Browser-Specific URL Schemes
We’ve covered URL schemes:
A URL Scheme is like “http://…” or “ftp://…”. Those seem like a very low-level concept that you don’t have much control over, but actually, you do!
I’d call it non-trivial, but developers can register new …
The post On Browser-Specific URL Schemes...
Na Androidu je až 47× více malwaru než na iOS. Apple tím obhajuje, proč nechce sideloading
The New iPad Mini Reclaims The Title Of Best Gaming Tablet
When Apple released the original iPad Mini back in late 2012 I thought, “This is it, the perfect form-factor for tablet gaming.” Everywhere I went I pulled out the compact device, showing off its 7.9-inch screen, how well it fit in my oversized paws. I was never going back to a full-size iPad. Then...
Front-End Dev Shortcuts in iOS 15
I was pretty stoked when Chris shared a way to “View Source” on mobile. Sure, it’s not the same as a built-in feature but it allows iOS users like myself a way to peek at a site’s code the …
The post Front-End Dev Shortcuts in iOS 15 appeared first on CSS-Tricks....
iOS Browser Choice
Just last week I got one of those really?! 🤨 faces when this fact came up in conversation amongst smart and engaged fellow web developers: there is no browser choice on iOS. It’s all Safari. You can download apps that …
The post iOS Browser Choice appeared first on CSS-Tricks....
Twitter Launches Bitcoin Tipping Feature, Explores NFT Authentication
Twitter has begun rolling out “Tips,” a feature that allows users to send bitcoin or cash tips. The rollout begins with iOS users with Android coming soon. The company is also planning support for non-fungible token (NFT) authentication. Twitter Rolls Out ‘Tips’ With...
Jsou to lháři, tvrdí šéf Epicu. Fortnite se na zařízení od Applu nevrátí
První kolo soudního sporu mezi společnostmi Apple a Epic Games je sice u konce, pro koncové zákazníky se ovšem nic nezměnilo. Kvůli přetrvávajícím sporům si v operačním systému iOS stejně populární střílečku Fortnite zahrát nemohou. A zřejmě ani dlouho moct nebudou
Robinhood’s Crypto Wallet Plans May Spur Similar Moves By Competitors
d beta version of the app’s version for Apple’s iOS operational system. The new software comprises a hidden image showing a waitlist page for customers signing up for a crypto wallet feature, as well as code related to crypto transfers, Bloomberg
Apple vydal iOS 15 a watchOS 8. Aktualizace je pro všechny stejně jako loni
Largest NFT Market by Volume Opensea Launches Smartphone Application
On September 17, the largest non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace in terms of volume, Opensea, announced the launch of the platform’s mobile application. Opensea marketplace users can now access a wide variety of NFT collections on their smartphones by downloading the application from...
KICK.IO’s Token Will Be Available on ExMarkets LaunchPad, 15th September
As the $ADA bull market continues to gather steam – with new price records set each month – many within the Cardano community are asking, what’s next? The limitless possibilities within the Cardano ecosystem offer many opportunities for both project creators and their...
Safemoon Product Launch Hits a Snag, Project Bombarded by Accusations, Community Deflects Criticism
A cryptocurrency project called Safemoon has been trending in forums and social media in recent times, as the crypto asset team promised a few new products, but the team claims that the launch has seen difficulties. This weekend, a post published to the subreddit forum r/cryptocurrency claims...
Od iPhoneOS po iOS 15. Tohle je historie mobilního systému Applu rok za rokem
Mobilní systém pro iPhony má už 15 generací • Začínal v roce 2007 jako iPhone OS
• Podívejte se, jak se měnil design a přibývaly funkce
WhatsApp spouští migraci chatů mezi iOS a Androidem. Začne u Samsungů
View Source (on Mobile)
Have you ever wished you could see the HTML source of a web page while on a mobile browser, which generally doesn’t offer that feature? If you have a desktop machine around, there are ways, but what I mean …
The post View Source (on Mobile) appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support...
View Source (on Mobile)
Have you ever wished you could see the HTML source of a web page while on a mobile browser, which generally doesn’t offer that feature? If you have a desktop machine around, there are ways, but what I mean …
The post View Source (on Mobile) appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support...
Back 4 Blood's Beta Hit Nearly 100k Active Players On Steam Over The Weekend
It turns out, a lot of folks are excited for a new spiritual successor to Left 4 Dead 2 based on player numbers collected via SteamDB. Back 4 Blood’s beta reached nearly 100k active players on Saturday night. Read more
[článek] MacOS nepřijatelně trápí řada virů, argumentuje Apple ve sporu s Epicem o uzavřenosti iOS
[5 minut čtení] Apple se u soudu s Epicem ohání viry pro macOS. Ty existují a rostou, oproti Windows je to ale slabota. Letos v květnu u okresního soudu v Kalifornii proběhla série slyšení kolem právního sporu mezi společnostmi Epic Games a Apple. Tvůrce hry Fortnite, Unreal Enginu a herního...
Breaking NFTs to Pieces: These 4 Projects Are Fractionalizing Grimes, Banksy, Cryptopunk NFTs
While non-fungible token (NFT) collectibles have been all the rage, a few projects have been developing the concept of fractionalized NFTs so investors without deep pockets can purchase shares of an expensive collectible. On Thursday, the firm Otis revealed that people can invest in an NFT created...