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Defining “View Source”

Last time there was a little flurry of activity around the concept of “View Source,” I did get the sense that not everyone was on the same page about what that even means. Jim Nielsen: First, when we talk about “View Source” what precisely are we talking about? I think this is...

Menu Reveal By Page Rotate Animation

There are many different approaches to menus on websites. Some menus are persistent, always in view and display all the options. Other menus are hidden by design and need to be opened to view the options. And there are even additional approaches on how hidden menus reveal their menu items. Some...

All the Ways to Make a Web Component

This is a neat page that compares a ton of different libraries with web components. One of the things I learned after posting “A Bit on Web Components Libraries” is that the web platform APIs were designed for libraries to be built around them. Interesting, right? This page makes...

This vs. That

Here’s a nice site from Phuoc Nguyen, who I’ve noted before has quite a knack for clever sites. This vs. That pits different related concepts against each other as a theme for an article. For example, CSS has display: none;, opacity: 0;, and visibility: hidden; and they all, on...

That’s Just How I Scroll

How do you know a page (or any element on that page) scrolls? Well, if it has a scrollbar, that’s a pretty good indication. You might still have to scrapple with your client about “the fold” or whatever, but I don’t think anyone is confused at what a scrollbar is or what...

Warp SVG Online

The warping is certainly the cool part here. Some fancy math literally transforms the path data to do the warping. But the UX detail work here is just as nice. Scrolling the page zooms in and out via a transform: scale() on the SVG wrapper (clever!). Likewise, holding the spacebar lets you...

CSS Vocabulary

This is a neat interactive page by Ville V. Vanninen to reference the names of things in the CSS syntax. I feel like the easy ones to remember are “selector,” “property,” and “value,” but even as a person who writes about CSS a lot, I forget some of the others....

Lazy Loaded Prefill Embeds

Lemme sum this up: CodePen has Embedded Pens. Build a Pen on CodePen, embed it on any other site. We also offer Prefill Embeds, which remove that first step. With Prefill Embeds, the Pen doesn’t need to exist on CodePen at all. You pass in the code and settings you want to appear in...

We need more inclusive web performance metrics

Scott Jehl argues that performance metrics such as First Contentful Paint and Largest Contentful Paint don’t really capture the full picture of everyone’s experience with websites: These metrics are often touted as measures of usability or meaning, but they are not necessarily meaningful...

Memorize Scroll Position Across Page Loads

Hakim El Hattab tweeted a really nice little UX enhancement for a static site that includes a scrollable sidebar of navigation. ???? If you've got a static site with a scrollable sidebar, it really helps to memorize the scroll position across page loads. (left is default, right memorized)...

Posters! (for CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid)

Any time I chat with a fellow web person and CSS-Tricks comes up in conversation, there is a good chance they’ll say: oh yeah, that guide on CSS flexbox, I use that all the time! Indeed that page, and it’s cousin the CSS grid guide, are among our top trafficked pages. I try to take...

The Mad Magazine Fold-In Effect in CSS

This was always my favorite thing in Mad magazine. One page (the inside of the back cover, I think) was covered in a zany illustration. You folded that page in thirds, covering up the middle-third of that image, and a new image would form because the illustration was designed to perfectly line...

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