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So, you’d like to animate the display property

The CSS Working Group gave that a thumbs-up a couple weeks ago. The super-duper conceptual proposal being that we can animate or transition from, say, display: block to display: none. It’s a bit of a brain-twister to reason … So, you’d like to animate the display property originally...

Unchain My Inaccessibly-Labelled Heart

Suzy Naschansky from the HTMHell Advent Calendar: <h2 id="article1-heading"All About Dragons</h2<pI like dragons. Blah blah blah blah blah.</p<p<a id="article1-read-more" aria-labelledby="article1-read-more article1-heading"Read more</a</p See that aria-labelledby...

Animated Background Stripes That Transition on Hover

How often to do you reach for the CSS background-size property? If you’re like me — and probably lots of other front-end folks — then it’s usually when you background-size: cover an image to fill the space of an entire … Animated Background Stripes That Transition on Hover originally...

Adding Box Shadows to WordPress Blocks and Elements

The CSS box-shadow and outline properties gained theme.json support in WordPress 6.1. Let's look at a few examples of how it works in real themes, and what options we have to apply these styles to WordPress blocks and elements. Adding Box Shadows to WordPress Blocks and Elements originally...

Does WWW still belong in URLs?

For years, a small pedantry war has been raging in our address bars. In one corner are brands like Google, Instagram, and Facebook. This group has chosen to redirect to In the opposite corner: … Does WWW still belong in URLs? originally published on CSS-Tricks...

Spanish Government to Add Crypto Clauses to Criminal Code

The Spanish government is set to create crypto-related clauses in the nation’s Criminal Code – in a bid to close loopholes and help police fight Bitcoin (BTC) and altcoin-powered crime. Cronista reported that the ruling coalition parties – the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) and Unidas Podemos...

Awesome Demos Roundup #22

The latest collection of the most creative and inspiring demos and code experiments from around the web

How to Internationalize Numbers with JavaScript

Presenting numbers in a readable format takes many forms, from visual charts to simply adding punctuation. Those punctuation, however, are different based on internationalization. Some countries use , for decimal, while others use .. Worried about having to code for all this madness? Don’t...

Managing CSS Styles in a WordPress Block Theme

The way we write CSS for WordPress themes is in the midst of sweeping changes. I recently shared a technique for adding fluid type support in WordPress by way of theme.json, a new file that WordPress has been pushing … Managing CSS Styles in a WordPress Block Theme originally published...

The Easiest Way To Unlock One Of Modern Warfare 2’s Hardest Achievements

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II’s campaign heats up in the second half with narrative intrigue, great characters, and more engaging levels than the game initially starts with. Mission 11, “El Sin Nombre,” is one of the highlights, and it has a few challenges and secrets if you’re up for it. Read...

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