
Nalezeno "simple": 421

Bityard Cryptocurrency Exchange Makes Trading Complex Contracts Simple

Bityard is a digital assets trading platform focused on offering fast, easy and safe contracts trading. The Singapore-headquartered exchange is regulated and licensed in multiple leading markets around the world. An emphasis on simplicity and accessibility makes Bityard ideal for anyone looking...

Making My Netlify Build Run Sass

Let’s say you wanted to build a site with Eleventy as the generator. Popular choice these days! Eleventy doesn’t have some particularly blessed way of preprocessing your CSS, if that’s something you want to do. There are a variety of ways to do it and perhaps that freedom is part...

Jumping Into Webmentions With NextJS (or Not)

Webmention is a W3C recommendation last published on January 12, 2017. And what exactly is a Webmention? It’s described as… […] a simple way to notify any URL when you mention it on your site. From the receiver’s perspective, it’s a way to request notifications when other sites...

PureCSS Gaze

Diana Smith with another mind-bending all HTML & CSS painting. I love that these occupy a special place on the “Should I draw this in CSS?” curve. Things like simple shapes are definitely on the “yes” side of the curve. Then there’s a large valley where things...

Block Links: The Search for a Perfect Solution

I was reading this article by Chris where he talks about block links — you know, like wrapping an entire card element inside an anchor — being a bad idea. It’s bad accessibility because of how it affects screen readers. And it’s bad UX because it prevents simple user tasks, like selecting text. But...

Bitcoin Cash Tokenization Bolstered by the Creation of an SLP Foundation

On Monday, Bitcoin Cash (BCH) supporters were introduced to a Simple Ledger Protocol alliance called the SLP Foundation. According to the initial members, the SLP Foundation has been in the works since December 2019, and the primary goal is to foster SLP innovation and standards. Meet the...

Notion-Powered Websites

I’m a big fan of Notion, as you likely know from previous coverage and recent video. It’s always interesting to see what other people do with Notion, and even how Notion uses Notion. I’d say most usage of Notion is private and internal, but any page on Notion can be totally...

How to Make a Simple CMS With Cloudflare, GitHub Actions and Metalsmith

Let’s build ourselves a CMS. But rather than build out a UI, we’re going to get that UI for free in the form of GitHub itself! We’ll be leveraging GitHub as the way to manage the content for our static site generator (it could be any static site generator). Here’s the gist of it: GitHub is going...

React Integration Testing: Greater Coverage, Fewer Tests

Integration tests are a natural fit for interactive websites, like ones you might build with React. They validate how a user interacts with your app without the overhead of end-to-end testing.  This article follows an exercise that starts with a simple website, validates behavior with unit...

The 'ETH Is Used 440x More Than Bitcoin' Claim Is Not So Simple

While Ethereum (ETH) supporters are celebrating claims that "ETH is used 440x more than Bitcoin for transacting" and this proves that ether is money, other crypto industry players warn that it's not so simple. Adam Cochran, Partner at decentralized autonomous organization Metacartel...

Some Innocent Fun With HTML Video and Progress

The idea came while watching a mandatory training video on bullying in the workplace. I can just hear High School Geoff LOL-ing about a wimp like me have to watch that thing. But here we are. The video UI was actually lovely, but it was the progress bar that really caught my attention – or rather...

Better Form Inputs for Better Mobile User Experiences

Here’s one simple, practical way to make apps perform better on mobile devices: always configure HTML input fields with the correct type, inputmode, and autocomplete attributes. While these three attributes are often discussed in isolation, they make the most sense in the context of mobile user...

ZeBitcoin, your simple way to buy cryptos

Disclaimer: The text below is a sponsored article that was not written by journalists. Since its start in 2016, ZeBitcoin has done very well and is now positioned as one of the biggest players in the French cryptosphere. Thanks to a platform offering an interface that is as simple...

Interactive WebGL Hover Effects

A simple tutorial on how to achieve an interactive mouseover/hover effect on images in some easy steps. Interactive WebGL Hover Effects was written by Yuriy Artyukh and published on Codrops

JavaScript Picture-in-Picture API

As a huge fan of media on the web, I’m always excited about enhancements to how we can control our media. Maybe I get excited about simple things like the <video> tag and its associated elements and attributes because media on the web started with custom codecs, browser extensions,...

Tips for Writing Animation Code Efficiently

I’ve been coding web animations and helping others do the same for years now. However, I have yet to see a concise list of tips focused on how to efficiently build animations, so here you go! I will be using the GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP). It provides a simple, readable API and solves...

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