Litecoin Price Analysis: Litecoin’s Slow Yet Steady Gain Anticipates a Bullish Run
Litecoin (LTC) has shown five price swings in the last 24 hours. The 2019 target is unchanged at 200 USD. Litecoin (LTC) is one of the major coins of current times, and it is being valued with a stable pace against many major cryptocurrencies. But it has given some tough times to the intraday...
Ethereum Classic Price Analysis: Ethereum Classic’s Slow Yet Steady Gain Hints at Bullish Future
Ethereum Classic (ETC) gained slightly over the last 24 hours. The target remains unchanged at 20 USD. Ethereum Classic is one of the major coins in the market which has been giving handsome returns not only to long-term investors but also to intraday traders. In the last 24 hours, the coin managed...
Cardano Price Analysis: Jumped a Place Up in Cryptocurrency Ranking Amidst the Slow Market
Cardano (ADA) Foundation is recently invited in Tokyo, Japan for discussing the future aspect of blockchain technology. The foundation is strongly working toward extending the market reach of ADA. ADA Coin Current Statistics: As on June 10, at UTC 07:15, Cardano (ADA) price was at $0.081734. At...
Golem Price Analysis: Will Slow And Steady Be Golem’s Goal for Hitting the Bulls Eye?
Graphene release in July 2019 is awaited with much anticipation Circulating supply is at 963,622,000 GNT . Revamped tech support, expanding community outreach and their reach worldwide Golem is a distributed supercomputer that aims for becoming a decentralized ecosystem for cloud-computing on...
Find a Job Paid With BCH Using
In this day and age, more and more people rely on income from remote jobs, and businesses often hire professionals who are located elsewhere. Cross-border payments within the traditional financial system are slow and sometimes problematic. Employers and jobseekers can now use websites such...
Major Consultancy Firm McKinsey Says Retail Banking Sector Slow to Adopt Blockchain
Consultancy firm McKinsey has argued that blockchain is gaining slower traction with retail banks due to regulatory hurdles and a conservative consumer environment
Ethereum vs Bitcoin: ETH and BTC Progress with Slow Recovery
In the last two days, Ethereum has gone through frequent price slumps. The coin was struggling to break the bearishness that lasted for a couple of days. However, since yesterday, the ETH price is slowly moving upward. Bitcoin price, on the other hand, has also increased in the last 24 hours....
VeChain Price Analysis: VET Bounces Back After A Slow Trend
VeChain invests in research and gets noticed by authorities VeChain’s VET may rise up again to cross the $0.0088 value in June VeChain coin has been making news once again now on its newly accepted research paper released in collaboration with Dartmouth College group. This may increase...
Researcher Makes Blockchain Warning, But Companies Loathe to Slow Down
Blockchain adoption continues apace, but a report from researcher Gartner claims that 90% of already-implemented business blockchain platform solutions “will require replacement within 18 months to remain competitive, secure and avoid obsolescence.”
The researcher believes that the sector will...
NEO: Slow but steady growth: What will be the touch down of 2019?
NEO has released its Monthly Report for May on twitter already. However, the major progress is realized in this ecosystem, declaring the developers and community of decentralized development defining the major role of success behind the same. But the followers are still talking about the major...
Stellar (XLM) Price Analysis: Slow and Moderate in ROI, but have Firm Long Term Support
XLM is now available on Coinsquare and CoinDeal crypto exchanges. Wirex is launching more than 20 coins on the Stellar network. Stellar (XLM) had shown a stable growth in spite of bearish first quarter of 2019. For Stellar (XLM), a lot is riding on its stable nature and its superior smart contract...
Powers of Two
Refactoring is one of those words that evokes fear in the eyes of many folks, from developers to product owners and everyone in between. It may as well be a four-letter word in many ways. It's also something that we talk about quite a bit around here because, like books on the topic, where to start...
Refactoring Tunnels
We’ve been writing a lot about refactoring CSS lately, from how to take a slow and methodical approach to getting some quick wins. As a result, I’ve been reading a ton about this topic and somehow stumbled upon this post by Harry Roberts about refactoring and how to mitigate the potential risks...
The Bottleneck of the Web
Steve Souders, "JavaScript Dominates Browser CPU":
Ten years ago the network was the main bottleneck. Today, the main bottleneck is JavaScript. The amount of JavaScript on pages is growing rapidly (nearly 5x in the last 7 years). In order to keep pages rendering and feeling fast, we need to focus...
Spoják #6 – Microsoft miluje retro. Vývojáři nemilují Web Extensions.
Heslovitě: Openpilot. AV1 a Intel. The Road to React with Firebase. Vue 2.6. Winfile.exe. Cross Account Protection. Password Checkup. Selhávání Web extensions. NearDB. Websocketd. React 16.8. Never-Slow Chrome se slibně rozšiřuje. Přetáhla Slow TV a spouští mobilní aplikace
V říjnu začala na českém internetu působit nová „televize“ Projekt videoportálu s vlastním obsahem rozjel tvůrčí tým, který přešel z konkurenčního Streamu. Odtud také přešlo několik osobností a na ně navázané pořady. Nyní opět přetahuje, ale tentokrát z vydavatelství Mafra, odkud
[aktualita] Internetová rozšíří programovou nabídku o Slow TV streamy známé z Playtváku
Programová nabídka loni na podzim spuštěné aktuálně obsahuje padesát pořadů a seriálů, šestnáct celovečerních a deset krátkých filmů. Brzy se navíc rozroste o sedm nepřetržitých přenosů zachycujících aktuální dění třeba na ranveji ruzyňského letiště Václava Havla, v ptačím krmítku v Makově...
The Slow and Steady Refactor
Over the past week or so, I’ve been reading Refactoring by Martin Fowler and it’s all about how to make sweeping changes to a large codebase in a way that doesn’t cause everything to break. I bring this up because there’s a lot of really good notes in this book that have challenged my recent...
Building a Video Blog with Gatsby and Markdown (MDX)
Since the dawn of the web, performance has been an important factor for web development because slow speeds often lead to a loss of visitors and, ultimately, depletion in revenue for commercial sit
The Ethics of Web Performance
Tim Kadlec on the issues surrounding poor web performance and why it’s so important for us to care about making our sites as fast as possible:
Poor performance can, and does, lead to exclusion. This point is extremely well documented by now, but warrants repeating. Sites that use an excess...