Getting To Know The MutationObserver API
MutationObserver watches the DOM, specifically the places you tell it to, like:
...and it can tell you (trigger a callback) when stuff happens — like when a child is added, removed, changed, or a number of other things.
I used it just the other day...
The Place of UX
Every time "UX" comes out of my mouth or is typed by my fingers, I think, "did I just use that term correctly?" It feels like such a big and loaded term these days, that perhaps the way I use it only contributes to the confusion. Ryan Singer frames that problem well:
Debates continue to rage about...
Currently Reading: Progressive Web Apps by Jason Grisby
I’ve been reading Jason Grigsby’s new book on progressive web apps this past week and it’s exciting. Jason explains what PWAs are and how they work while while doing a bang-up job covering the business case for using them them, too. But perhaps you might be thinking that a PWA isn’t necessary...
So, You Wanna Submit a Proposal to Speak at an Event
You’ve been scouring the web for upcoming events. You’ve subscribed to Developer Avocados and you’ve bookmarked And now you’ve found a call for proposals (CFP) that you can’t wait to enter. You quickly fill out the online form and your pinky races towards the Enter...
Faking env() to Use it Now
There is already an env() function in CSS, but it kinda came out of nowhere as an Apple thing for dealing with "The Notch" but it has made it's way to be a draft spec. The point will be for UAs or authors to declare variables that cannot be changed. Global const for CSS, sorta.
That spec doesn't...
Creating Reusable Base Classes in TypeScript with a Real-Life Example
Hey CSS-Tricksters! Bryan Hughes was kind enough to take a concept from an existing post he published on converting to TypeScript and take it a few couple steps further in this post to elaborate on creating reusable base classes. While this post doesn’t require reading the other one, it’s certainly...
Simulating Mouse Movement
If you've ever had to display an interactive animation during a live talk or a class, then you may know that it's not always easy to interact with your slides and while talking.
This happened to me when I needed to show this particles demo to my students. I didn't want to have to stay next to...
Testing for Visual Regressions with Percy
It’s a Herculean task to test
A Couple of New Wufoo Tips
(This is a sponsored post.)
High fives to Wufoo, our long-time sponsor here on CSS-Tricks. It's powered the vast majority of forms I've built over the past decade. If you've never used it or heard of it: it's a form builder. It makes the arduous task of implementing forms trivially easy. Building...
Podcasts on The Great Divide
Nick Nisi, Suz Hinton, and Kevin Ball talk about The Great Divide in JS Party #61, then I get to join Suz and Jerod again in episode #67 to talk about it again.
Dave and I also got into it a bit in ShopTalk #346.
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The post Podcasts...
Creating a Custom Element from Scratch
In the last article, we got our hands dirty with Web Components by creating an HTML template that is in the document but not rendered until we need it.
Next up, we’re going to continue our quest to create a custom element version of the dialog component below which currently only uses...
The Dark Side of the Grid
Manuel Matuzovic makes the point that in order to use CSS grid in some fairly simple markup scenarios, we might be tempted to flatten our HTML to make sure all the elements we need to can participate on the grid. What we need is subgrid and non-buggy display: contents;, so I'd like to think in...
8 Little Videos About the Firefox Shape Path Editor
It sometimes takes a quick 35 seconds for a concept to really sink in. Mikael Ainalem delivers that here, in the case that you haven't quite grokked the concepts behind path-based CSS properties like clip-path and shape-outside.
Here are two of my favorites. The first demonstrates animating text...
Native Video on the Web
TIL about the HLS video format:
HLS stands for HTTP Live Streaming. It’s an adaptive bitrate streaming protocol developed by Apple. One of those sentences to casually drop at any party. Äh. Back on track: HLS allows you to specify a playlist with multiple video sources in different resolutions....
The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Algorithms: Falsy Bouncer
Falsy bouncer? Just in case your mind's been pacing frantically trying to make sense of the title of this challenge, worry not! We’ll do that together.
A bouncer is a person em
Control Icons with Font Size
Here’s a nifty trick from Andy Bell that now seems a little obvious in hindsight: if you set an SVG to have a width and height of 1em then you can change the size of it with the font-size property.
Try and change the font-size on the body element below to see the icon scale with the text:
CSS Variables + calc() + rgb() = Enforcing High Contrast Colors
As you may know, the recent updates and additions to CSS are extremely powerful. From Flexbox to Grid, and — what we’re concerned about here — Custom Properties (aka CSS variables), all of which make robust and dynamic layouts and interfaces easier than ever while opening up many other...
“the closest thing web standards have to a golden rule”
The internet's own Mat Marquis plucks this choice quote from the HTML Design Principals spec:
In case of conflict, consider users over authors over implementors over specifiers over theoretical purity.
And then he applies the idea to putting images on websites in 2019.
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Revisiting the abbr element
An irresistible HTML element deep dive from Ire Aderinokun, this time on the <abbr title=""> element for abbreviations. You can kinda just use it (JUI) and it works fine, but if you're hoping to make a tooltip for them (which works on touchscreens as well), then it's much more complicated....
Bandwidth or Latency: When to Optimise for Which
Harry Roberts:
A good rule of thumb to remember is that, for regular web browsing, improvements in latency would be more beneficial than improvements in bandwidth, and that improvements in bandwidth are noticed more when dealing with larger files.
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