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Number Scrubbing

If you use <input type="number">, some browsers give you an input that has UI for incrementing the number, like up/down arrows (often called “spinners”). That’s a bit helpful sometimes. But people have certainly explored fancier ways of updating that number....

Copy the Browser’s Native Focus Styles

Remy documented this the other day. Firefox supports a Highlight keyword and both Chrome and Safari support a -webkit-focus-ring-color keyword. So if you, for example, have removed focus from something and want to put it back in the same style as the browser default, or want to apply a focus style...

Optimize Images with a GitHub Action

I was playing with GitHub Actions the other day. Such a nice tool! Short story: you can have it run code for you, like run your build processes, tests, and deployments. But it’s just configuration files that can run whatever you need. There is a whole marketplace of Actions wanting to do work...

To grid or not to grid

Sarah Higley does accessibility work and finds that “tables and grids are over-represented in accessibility bugs.” The drum has been banged a million times: don’t use a <table> for layout. But what goes around comes around. What’s the the #1 item in a list...

Timer Bars in CSS with Custom Properties

I was working on a thing the other day that needed a visible timer. There was UI precedent for this type of timer on the project. People didn’t want to see numbers ticking downward; it was more ideal to see a “bar” drain away from full to empty. I mention that because there...

Former Prudential Financial CEO George Ball Says Now Time to Buy Bitcoin

Former Prudential Financial CEO George Ball is advising wealthy investors to acquire bitcoin because it is the only asset that cannot be undermined by the government. Ball made the comments while discussing adjustments that investors need to make to their portfolios. Now CEO at Sander Morris...

Stacked Cards with Sticky Positioning and a Dash of Sass

The other day, I spotted this particularly lovely bit from Corey Ginnivan’s website where a collection of cards stack on top of one another as you scroll. I started wondering how much JavaScript this would involve and how you’d go about making it when I realized — ah! — this must be the work...

Register for An Event Apart’s Front-End Focus Online Conference

(This is a sponsored post.) An Event Apart has been doing these single-day online “Online together” conferences. You can check out the last couple, which are available on-demand (buy it, watch it when you want) for a limited time: Online Together (available through December...

What does 100% mean in CSS?

When using percentage values in CSS like this… .element { margin-top: 40%; } …what does that % value mean here? What is it a percentage of? There’ve been so many times when I’ll be using percentages and something weird happens. I typically shrug, change the value to something else...

HTML for Subheadings and Headings

Let’s say you have a double heading situation going on. A little one on top of a big one. It comes up, I dunno, a billion times a day, I’d say. What HTML do you go for? Dare I say, it depends? But have you considered all the options? And how those options play out semantically...

JavaScript Fatigue

From Nicholas Zakas’ newsletter, on how he avoids JavaScript fatigue:  I don’t try to learn about every new thing that comes out. There’s a limited number of hours in the day and a limited amount of energy you can devote to any topic, so I choose not to learn about anything...

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