Git Integration in Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code has easily become one of the most popular editors out there for Web Development. It has gained such popularity thanks to its many built in features, including source control inte
8 Awesome New Features in Sublime Text 3.1
What are developers without code editors? I can't seem to think of a clear answer to that. In recent times, code editors have evolved from traditional IDEs to smarter and faster tools. While some f
EOS Revisited: Investors Take Another Look at the Longest-Running ICO
Another blockchain for smart contracts? It turns out the claim is catching the attention of investors as the EOS blockchain heads toward launch
VS Code Can Do That?
Clever microsite from Burke Holland and Sarah Drasner that highlights some of VS Code's coolest features. All fifteen of them are pretty darn cool. Here's a few other compelling features I've seen people use/love:
There is a terminal right in there, so you don't need a separate app.
The GitLens...
Wakamai Fondue
Roel Nieskens released a tool that lets you upload a font file and see what’s inside, from how many characters it contains to the number of languages it supports. Here’s what you see once you upload a font, in this case Covik Sans Mono Black:
Why is this data useful? Well, I used this tool just...
The Dark Side of Promises
Since the release of es6 many new features have found their way into NodeJS, but non had quite the same impact as promises. Promises have been developed for the browser before es6 was even a thing. There were several implementations that have been used like jQuery’s deferred object before...
Destructuring and Function Arguments
The JavaScript language has benefitted from some really awesome new features over the past few years, including arrow functions, the spread operator, and default function argument values. Even if your browser doesn’t yet support proposed JavaScript API syntax additions, you can use a tool...
Crypto’s Biggest ICOs Stay Silent on SEC Subpoenas
ICO issuers that have raised $50 million or more in token sales are being tightlipped when it comes to inquiries about SEC subpoenas
Creating Tesla's Website With Bootstrap 4
We explore some of the new Bootstrap 4 features by building a copy of Tesla's Roadster web page
MakerDAO and More: The Quest for a Stable Stablecoin Continues
Even with a tumultuous past and harsh critics, stablecoin projects keep popping up, aiming to relieve some of the volatility in the crypto markets
Utility: The Defining Word for Tokens in 2018
A rising token tide may be lifting all boats, but when the water line lowers, utility will likely be their key defense
Ethereum Classic Snaps Slump as Price Hits Eight-Week High
Ethereum classic rose to eight-week high today, thanks in part to keen trading on South Korean exchanges
EOS: Unpacking the Big Promises Behind a Possible Blockchain Contender
Dan Larimer says his new project has an infinitely scalable blockchain, but skeptics doubt the controversial figure's ability to pull it off
Why the Blockchain Needs More Failures to Succeed
Tired of scams? Entrepreneur William Mougayar argues that more failures are needed to take the blockchain industry to the next level
$600k for an Ethereum Name? A Thriving Auction Market Is Underway
An ethereum project aimed at decentralizing the domain space is winning enthusiasm – and investment dollars – from crypto investors
The Litening: Will Litecoin Be the First Big Blockchain With Lightning?
A new test version of the Lightning Network launched today, marking a step toward a long-awaited live debut on a major cryptocurrency
Bitcoin’s Price is Nearing All-Time Highs, But Market Confidence Isn’t
While the price of bitcoin is within striking distance of all-time highs set in March, worries about the state of the network’s infrastructure are combining to depress sentiment. Chief among concerns are the ongoing issues at British Virgin Islands-based digital currency exchange Bitfinex,...
A (Short) Guide to Blockchain Consensus Protocols
Bitcoin's consensus mechanism is great, but it isn't perfect. This article looks at some of the more viable public blockchain alternatives
A Framework for Valuing Crypto Tokens
Acupay CTO Sid Kalla provides an in-depth guide for those considering investing in an initial coin offering or ICO
Beyond Immutability: Ethereum Classic Maps a Way Forward
Apart from a commitment to immutability, ethereum classic is much like ethereum. Now, though, its supporters favor another pillar of differentiation