
Nalezeno "Other": 2502

Getting To Know The MutationObserver API

MutationObserver watches the DOM, specifically the places you tell it to, like: document.querySelector('#watch-this'); ...and it can tell you (trigger a callback) when stuff happens — like when a child is added, removed, changed, or a number of other things. I used it just the other day...

Making the Move from jQuery to Vue

As someone who has used jQuery for many. years and has recently become a Vue convert, I thought it would be an interesting topic to discuss the migration process of working with one to the other. Before I begin though, I want to ensure one thing is crystal clear. I am not, in any way whatsoever...


Jeremy on the divide between the core languages of the web, and all the tooling that exists to produce code in those languages: On the one hand, you’ve got the raw materials of the web: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This is what users will ultimately interact with. On the other hand, you’ve got...

The Simplest Ways to Handle HTML Includes

It's extremely surprising to me that HTML has never had any way to include other HTML files within it. Nor does there seem to be anything on the horizon that addresses it. I'm talking about straight up includes, like taking a chunk of HTML and plopping it right into another. For example the...

Revisiting prefers-reduced-motion, the reduced motion media query

Two years ago, I wrote about prefers-reduced-motion, a media query introduced into Safari 10.1 to help people with vestibular and seizure disorders use the web. The article provided some background about the media query, why it was needed, and how to work with it to avoid creating...

Oh, the Many Ways to Make Triangular Breadcrumb Ribbons!

Oh, the Many Ways to Make Triangular Breadcrumb Ribbons Let’s have a look at how we can create a row of links that sorta run into each other with a chevron-like shape and notch on each block like you might see in a hierarchical breadcrumb navigation. You’ve probably seen this pattern a lot....

Using Parcel as a Bundler for React Applications

You may already be familiar with webpack for asset management on projects. However, there’s another cool tool out there called Parcel, which is comparable to webpack in that it helps with hassle-free asset bundling. Where Parcel really shines is that it requires zero configuration to get up...

Preload, prefetch and other link tags

Ivan Akulov has collected a whole bunch of information and know-how on making things load a bit more quickly with preload and prefetch. That's great in and of itself, but he also points to something new to me – the as attribute: <link rel="preload" href="/style.css" as="style"...

Who Are Design Systems For?

Specific design systems, I mean. Design systems, as a concept, are something just about any site can benefit from. A lot of hype goes into design systems these days. Just the other day, an organization's published their design system publicly and I got a slew of DMs, emails, and Slack messages...

Creating Reusable Base Classes in TypeScript with a Real-Life Example

Hey CSS-Tricksters! Bryan Hughes was kind enough to take a concept from an existing post he published on converting to TypeScript and take it a few couple steps further in this post to elaborate on creating reusable base classes. While this post doesn’t require reading the other one, it’s certainly...

The Power of Named Transitions in Vue

Vue offers several ways to control how an element or component visually appears when inserted into the DOM. Examples can be fading in, sliding in, or other visual effects. Almost all of this functionality is based around a single component: the transition component. A simple example of this is with...

7 Useful JavaScript Tricks

Just like every other programming language, JavaScript has dozens of tricks to accomplish both easy and difficult tasks. Some tricks are widely known while others are enough to blow your mind. Let’s have a look at {x} JavaScript tricks you can start using today! Get Unique Values of an Array...

Accessibility Events

“There isn't some way to know when—…?” There is always a pause here. The client knows what they're asking, and I know what they're asking, but putting it into words—saying it out loud—turns unexpectedly difficult. In the moments before the asking, it was a purely technical question—no different...

Undefined: The Third Boolean Value

I wanted to implement a notification message in one of my projects, similar to what you’d see in Google Docs while a document is saving. In other words, a message shows up indicating that the document is saving every time a change is made. Then, once the changes are saved, the message becomes: “All...

A historical look at lowercase defaultstatus

Browsers, thank heavens, take backward compatibility seriously. Ancient websites generally work just fine on modern browsers. There is a way higher chance that a website is broken because of problems with hosting, missing or altered assets, or server changes than there is with changes in...

Blurred Borders in CSS

Say we want to target an element and just visually blur the border of it. There is no simple, single built-in web platform feature we can reach for. But we can get it done with a little CSS trickery. Here's what we're after: The desired result. Let's see how we can code this effect, how we...

Stacked “Borders”

A little while back, I was in the process of adding focus styles to An Event Apart’s web site. Part of that was applying different focus effects in different areas of the design, like white rings in the header and footer and orange rings in the main text. But in one place, I wanted rings that were...

Write Your First Service Worker in 5 Minutes

What is a service worker? A service worker is a little file that will allow you to cache files and other assets on a user’s machine. How is this different from server-side caching? Because the assets are stored on a user’s machine, rather than a server, there is no need to go across...

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