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Hayden Otto Discusses the Rise of North Queensland’s Bitcoin Cash Movement

Bitcoin cash merchant acceptance has grown significantly over the last year according to the BCH merchant directory Marco Coino. One specific region, North Queensland, Australia has an extremely dense population of bitcoin cash accepting retailers. This week, spoke with Coinspice...

An In-Depth Look at Iris, a New Decentralized Social Network

Cryptocurrency advocates have been discussing a new social media platform designed by one of Bitcoin’s earliest developers Martti Malmi, otherwise known as Sirius. The project he designed, called Iris, is a social networking application that stores and indexes everything on the user’s...

Detect Responsive Screen Sizes in Angular

Most of the time, we use CSS media queries to handle responsive, screen size changes to layout our content differently. However, there are times where CSS media queries alone isn't sufficient for t

How to Detect Text in Images

Images are a great way to communicate without text but oftentimes images are used/abused to spread text within social media and advertisements. Text in images also presents an accessibility issue. The truth is that it’s important, for any number of reasons, to be able to detect text in image...

Leaked Details of India’s Supposed New Cryptocurrency Bill Analyzed

Excerpts from what could be India’s new cryptocurrency bill have been leaked. While local media have made outrageous claims about the details of the bill, industry experts have pointed out numerous flaws and inaccuracies. Meanwhile, the country’s finance secretary has confirmed that...

Příručka marketéra: Je Messenger marketing opravdovým trendem nebo buzzwordem

Je tomu už více než 3 roky, kdy umožnil Facebook firmám skrze své API posílat automatické zprávy. V počátku byl Messenger marketing spíše pro odvážlivce a early adopters, dnes je již nedílnou součástí komunikačního mixu mnoha firem. Co je to Messenger marketing Jednoduše řečeno – komunikace...

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