The Client/Server Rendering Spectrum
I've definitely been guilty of thinking about rendering on the web as a two-horse race. There is Server-Side Rendering (SSR, like this WordPress site is doing) and Client-Side Rendering (CSR, like a typical React app). Both are full of advantages and disadvantages. But, of course, the conversation...
Building a Universal Application with Nuxt.js and Django
The advent of modern JavaScript libraries such as React.js and Vue.js has transmogrified Front-end web development for the better. These libraries ship with wonderful features
The Bottleneck of the Web
Steve Souders, "JavaScript Dominates Browser CPU":
Ten years ago the network was the main bottleneck. Today, the main bottleneck is JavaScript. The amount of JavaScript on pages is growing rapidly (nearly 5x in the last 7 years). In order to keep pages rendering and feeling fast, we need to focus...
Inspirational Websites Roundup #2
The second compilation of inspiring website designs with some unique picks to get your creative juices flowing.
Inspirational Websites Roundup #2 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops
Why CSS Needs its Own Survey
2016 was only three years ago, but that’s almost a whole other era in web development terms. The JavaScript landscape was in turmoil, with up-and-comer React — as well as a little-known framework called Vue — fighting to dethrone Angular.
Like many other developers, I felt lost. I needed some...
Vážnější únik než jen loginy a hesla: Na veřejný web unikl významný burzovní dokument
Úniky dat se na internetu nestávají jen „běžným“ firmám, ale i finančním korporacím, které do jisté míry odpovídají za chod dnešního světa. Bezpečnostní analytik Bob Diachenko odhalil, že na veřejně přístupném serveru se objevil seznam vysoce rizikových subjektů od společnosti Dow Jones &
I Spun up a Scalable WordPress Server Environment with Trellis, and You Can, Too
A few years back, my fledgling website design agency was starting to take shape; however, we had one problem: managing clients' web servers and code deployments. We were unable to build a streamlined process of provisioning servers and maintaining operating system security patches. We had...
Google Duo se kupodivu chytlo. Služba proto přichází z mobilů i na web
Nové komunikátory od Googlu se většinou příliš nechytí, aplikace pro videohovory Duo je ale výjimkou. Celosvětově se dočkala poměrně velkého úspěchu, a tak z mobilních telefonů konečně míří i na web.
Zatímco Allu se nepodařilo získat dostatečný počet uživatelů, Duo si získalo uživatele díky své
For the 30th anniversary of the web, CERN brought nine web nerds together to recreate the very first web browser — Or a working replication of it anyway, as you use it from your web browser, inception style.
Well done, Mark Boulton, John Allsopp, Kimberly Blessing, Jeremy Keith, Remy Sharp...
Six tips for better web typography
How do we avoid the most common mistakes when it comes to setting type on the web? That’s the question that’s been stuck in my head lately as I’ve noticed a lot of typography that’s lackluster, frustrating, and difficult to read. So, how can we improve interfaces so that our content is easy to read...
Typography for Developers
This is intended as a practical guide for developers to learn web typography. We’ll cover a range of practical and useful topics, like how to choose and use custom fonts on the web, but more importantly, how to lay text out to create a pleasant user experience. We’ll go over the principles...
[aktualita] Microsoft v Česku obnovil web, nabízí na něm lokalizovaný obsah
Microsoft se do Česka vrací se službou, kterou ve Spojených státech a dalších zemích provozuje od roku 1995. Vedle odkazů na své služby jako je Skype, Office, OneDrive nebo mapy na Bingu zde začal nabízet lokalizovaný obsah. K dispozici je také vyhledávání na Bingu. Český obsah na MSN...
Look Ma, No Media Queries! Responsive Layouts Using CSS Grid
Not only has CSS Grid reshaped the way we think and build layouts for the web, but it has also contributed to writing more resilient code, replacing "hacky" techniques we've used before, and in some cases, killing the need to rely on code for specific resolutions and viewports. What's so cool about...
Writing Animations That Bring Your Site to Life
Web animation is one of the factors that can strongly enhance your website’s look and feel. Sadly, unlike mobile apps, there aren’t as many websites using animation to their benefit as you would think. We don’t want to count yours among those, so this article is for you and anyone else looking...
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG): seznamte se, prosím
Doporučení WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, Směrnice o přístupnosti webového obsahu) aktuálně ve verzi 2.1 představuje v současné době nejrozšířenější a celosvětově uznávanou metodiku tvorby přístupného (nejen webového) obsahu. Za jeho vytvořením stojí pracovní skupina WAI v rámci...
WDRL — Edition 258: Colorless Designs, Simple Forms, Native Web Videos, and Rendering The Web.
One of the hard problems in web technology is the right balance between technical complexity, smart solutions and a nice user experience that isn’t creating cognitive overload. With Brad Frost’s examples of this gone wrong in Login forms that show how smart technological choices have been...
CSS Variables + calc() + rgb() = Enforcing High Contrast Colors
As you may know, the recent updates and additions to CSS are extremely powerful. From Flexbox to Grid, and — what we’re concerned about here — Custom Properties (aka CSS variables), all of which make robust and dynamic layouts and interfaces easier than ever while opening up many other...
Na web unikly citlivé hovory Švédů. Někdo připojil omylem počítač k internetu
Švédsko už roky provozuje telefonní linku Vårdguiden 1177, na kterou může zavolat každý, kdo se dostane do zdravotních potíží. A stejně jako u mnoha podobných záchranných linek, i v tomto případě se hovory nahrávají.
Nyní vyšlo najevo, že firma, která se starala o technické zázemí celého
10 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for February 2019
This month's web dev collection has it all! Cool CSS frameworks, powerful JS libraries, and a couple of fun projects thrown in for good measure
Collective #494
Codecrumbs * How @supports Works * Iconsvg * Lunar Popup * Amino * How A Screen Reader User Accesses The Web
Collective #494 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops