[aktualita] Mall Group prodá Heureku za 7,5 miliardy, peníze chce vrazit do rozvoje
Plánovaný prodej Heureky, o kterém jsme psali minulý týden, je před dokončením. V těchto dnech probíhají jednání o konkrétní podobě obchodu, Hospodářským novinám to potvrdil Jakub Havrlant, ředitel a spolumajitel skupiny Mall Group. Prodej Heureky byl prý na stole již od loňského roku, Havrlant...
Erste Group zavádí jednotný přístup k API všech svých bank. K API Spořky je již připojeno 184 firem
Erste Group Bank AG se rozhodla nabídnout jednotný přístup k rozhraním pro programování aplikací (API) svých dceřiných bank ve střední a východní Evropě. První v nabídce Erste Group budou API, která umožňují využití služeb a rolí předepsaných ustanoveními směrnice o platebních službách 2 (PSD2)....
CEO of Major American VC Firm Digital Currency Group: Crypto Winter Is Ending
The CEO of major American VC firm Digital Currency Group believes that the crypto winter is ending, based on the cyclical nature of bitcoin’s ups and downs
Coinbase Launches Crypto Debit Card in 6 European Countries
Coinbase Card is being made available in six new countries across Europe. The service enables users to spend their digital funds in-store and online, supporting all crypto assets available to trade on the Coinbase platform such as bitcoin cash. Also Read: How to Buy a Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallet...
CME’s Bitcoin Futures Hit New Records
Ever since the Chicago Board Options Exchange (Cboe) announced it was ending its bitcoin futures products back in March, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME Group) has seen a huge influx of bitcoin derivatives volumes. During the second week of May, CME’s bitcoin futures touched a milestone...
Crypto Market Outlook Downgraded to ‘Uncertain’ in New SFOX Volatility Report
The current outlook for the crypto market has been downgraded from mildly bullish to uncertain in a new volatility report
Weekly Platform News: Favicon Guidelines, Accessibility Testing, Web Almanac
In this week's news, Google defines guidelines for favicons, a new a11y testing tool from The Paciello Group, and changes to how the W3C plans to engage the community, plus more.
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[aktualita] Mall Group je ve ztrátě 1,7 miliardy. Připisuje to investicím, tržby dále rychle rostou
Internetová skupina Mall Group, pod kterou spadají aktivity obchodu Mall v několika zemích a také srovnávač Heuré, v posledním fiskálním roce dosáhla na obrat 16,2 miliardy korun. Jde o meziroční růst 13 procent. Skupina se každopádně dostala do ztráty 68 milionů eur, tedy přes...
Bogota’s EXMA 2019 Will Feature Bitcoin Cash Payments at Home Burgers
At this year’s EXMA conference in Bogota on May 27-28, attendees will find that payment processor Pagos Inteligentes will allow bitcoin cash (BCH) payments at Home Burgers inside the Movistar Arena. The EXMA event is one of the biggest entrepreneurship conferences in Latin America and Pagos...
Original Bitcoin Media Group Restores Annual Community Conference Focused on BTC
Bitcoin 2019 aims to unite community around the original cryptocurrency San Francisco, CA — May 24, 2019 — For the first time in more than five years, a community gathering focused specifically on Bitcoin will convene in North America at Bitcoin 2019, a two-day conference to be held at SVN West...
Mall Group se v zahraničí zaměří na Slovinsko a Chorvatsko. Oznámil personální změny, vybuduje druhý sklad
Podle předběžných výsledků za uplynulý fiskální rok Mall Group posiluje nejen na tuzemském trhu. Ze sedmi zemí, kde skupina působí, rostou nejvíce tržby na chorvatském (+ 61,1, %) a slovinském trhu (+ 22 %), kde své služby nabízí více než šesti milionům zákazníků. Proto se internetová nákupní...
South Korean Gov’t Announces Second Study Group for Blockchain Regulations
The South Korean government is running a second study on blockchain regulations, examining applications in logistics, healthcare, finance and energy
[aktualita] Mall Group chce do dvou let postavit distribuční centrum ve Slovinsku
Chorvatsko se Slovinskem patří, co se týče tržeb, k nejrychleji rostoucímu zahraničnímu byznysu Mall Group, skupina proto v regionu plánuje do dvou let postavit své druhé distribuční centrum, to bude vedle zmíněných dvou zemí obsluhovat také Maďarsko. Na Slovinsko skupina vstoupila v roce...
New Zealand Blockchain Group to Request Government Blockchain Strategy
The New Zealand-based blockchain collective BlockchainNZ will request that the country’s parliament form a national blockchain strategy
Worsening US-China Trade War Is Behind BTC Price Rise, Digital Currency Group CEO Claims
The CEO of Digital Currency Group has suggested that the recent rise in bitcoin prices could be linked to the U.S.-China trade war
Subsidiary Of Japanese ANA Airline Group Launched Its Native Token, On Bitcoin Cash Network
Japan is known to be the land of innovation, and hence, a safe breeding ground for crypto projects. Joining the long list, Alliance Cargo Direct, a company engaged in airline cargo services, launched its native crypto token ACD, based on the Bitcoin Cash network. The announcement was made by Roger...
CME’s Bitcoin Futures Break Records With $1 Billion in Notional Volume
The world’s largest options and futures exchange, Chicago Mercantile Exchange & Chicago Board of Trade (CME Group) and its bitcoin futures contracts saw an all-time high on May 13. According to CME’s records, the exchange recorded 33,700 contracts on Monday which represented...
CME Group Bitcoin Futures Hit $1.3 Billion Amid Parabolic Advance
CME’s bitcoin futures hit $1.3 billion in volume as bull market continues
Dash (DASH) Core Group Launches Dash Investments
A new decentralized investment scheme will be launched by The Dash Core Group. Dash Ventures will be fully operational soon, according to a blog post, which is officially known as the Dash Investment Foundation. Dash Investment Foundation is intended to operate in a third party, including Dash...
Singapore’s Investment Firm Marvelstone Group Stays Silent About Its Progress
Singapore has been a thriving financial hub for decades now and needless to say, the country has seen the establishment of a fair share of investment funds in the process as well. One of those is ‘Marvelstone Group’ which is purportedly involved in investment in the financial technology space...