So Microsoft launches a Node-based browser automation project called Playwright. It allows you to spin up a headless version of a browser and control it. Go here! Click something! Take a screenshot! That kind of stuff. Particularly useful for testing.
It's just like Google's Puppeteer, only...
More BS on Lightning: Blockstream Pours Liquid on Thick
Blockstream reps have long been pushing for full implementation of the perpetually-delayed Lightning Network as the main solution for BTC scalability. With the recent announcement of “federated sidechain” Liquid’s integration with Btcpay, however, the tune seems to have changed....
What makes a site JAMstack?
I admit I didn’t know the ins and outs of what the Jamstack is until recently, despite having heard the term so frequently. I think I’m not alone in this. It’s an elusive term — how is it different from what came before, especially considering it shares so many similarities? Thankfully, Divya...
Timeless Web Dev Articles
Pavithra Kodmad asked people for recommendations on what they thought were some of the most timeless articles about web development that have changed their perspective in some way. Fun! I'm gonna scour the thread and link up my favorites (that are actually articles, although not all of them...
How many CSS properties are there?
Tomasz Łakomy posted a joke tweet about naming all the CSS attributes and Tejas Kumar replied with a joke answer, going as far as making an npm module. You can even run a terminal command to see them:
npx get-all-css-properties
You'll get 259 of them. The source code uses the website
Singer Akon Says World’s First ‘Crypto City’ Set for Senegal 2025
Singer Akon touts Senegal as home of the first ‘crypto city,’ to run on his own cryptocurrency, Akoin
Blockchain Social Media Startup Voice Hires Ex Forbes Exec as CEO
Decentralized social media platform hires Forbes exec to take on Facebook and Twitter
Twitter razantně změní možnosti komentářů pod tweety. K některým už nepůjde napsat odpověď
Twitter aktuálně nabízí možnost skrýt si profil před všemi, či skrývat jen konkrétní odpovědi u vašich konkrétních příspěvků Nyní ale přijde s možností, jak přímo zamezit v komentování komukoliv či jen těm, které nesledujete.
O novince informovala Suzanne Xie, produktová vedoucí, na veletrhu CES
[aktualita] Twitter zvažuje, že dá uživatelům možnost zakázat reakce na jejich na tweety
Twitter v první čtvrtletí letošního roku otestuje nové nastavení konverzací. Vybraným uživatelům dá v rámci testu možnost omezit, kdo může reagovat na jejich tweety. V průběhu veletrhu CES 2020 to oznámila produktová šéfka firmy Suzanne Xie, kterou citoval magazín The Verge. Podle současné...
“All these things are quite easy to do, they just need somebody to sit down and just go through the website”
I saw a video posted on Twitter from Channel 5 News in the UK (I have no idea what the credibility of them is, it's an ocean away from me) with anchor Claudia Liza asking Glen Turner and Kristina Barrick questions about website accessibility.
Apparently, they often post videos with captions,...
The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time
Memes are the fuel that powers the cryptoconomy. Exploitable image macros, shareable acronyms, and obscure in-jokes are the stuff that crypto is made of. To mark the dawn of a new decade, has endeavored to catalog the crypto memes that came to define the last one. These are the...
Meet the Multi-Cryptocurrency PoS Device Eletropay
On January 5,’s Executive Chairman Roger Ver introduced a bitcoin cash (BCH) point-of-sale (PoS) merchant solution created by the startup Eletropay. The crypto PoS device manufacturer aims to make cryptocurrency payments simple and secure “without the need to use mobile...
Arrington XRP Capital Partner Urges Cryptoworld to Stop Raging on Twitter
Michael Arrington. Source: a video screenshot, Youtube, Beyond Blocks
One of the crypto world’s most prominent advocates believes that the current tech climate makes 2020 an “exciting time to be alive” for early movers – although public, crypto-themed social media rants must stop.
Ross Ulbricht Supporters Auction Collectibles After BTC Price Wager Goes Sour
Digital currency influencers have started an auction to raise money for Ross Ulbricht who is serving a double life sentence for his involvement with Silk Road. There are lots of unique items for auction including artwork, physical coins, and other collectibles. Additionally, the crypto community...
YouTube Reinstates More Crypto-Related Content, Admits To Mistake Via Twitter
YouTube starts to remove bans from crypto-related content, YouTubers look for decentralized platforms as alternatives
Why do we use .html instead of .htm?
Interesting question from Andy:
Serious question. Why do we use .html instead of .htm? / @adactio @css
— Andy Clarke (@Malarkey) December 12, 2019
The most likely answer from the thread: DOS was a massive operating system for PCs for a long time and it had a three-character limit on file...
Twitter Bug Exposed Millions of User Phone Numbers
A bug in Twitter's Android app let users connect random phone numbers to real Twitter handles
Běžná funkce v aplikaci Twitter expertovi vyzradila, komu patří 17 milionů telefonních čísel
Pokud používáte aplikaci Twitter v mobilním telefonu, velmi pravděpodobně vám byla nabídnuta možnost vyhledat, zda na této sociální síti nefigurují osoby z vašich kontaktů. Pokud jste tuto možnost akceptovali, aplikace následně porovnala telefonní čísla z vašeho seznamu s čísly uloženými u
Twitter zakázal animované PNG soubory. Trollové s nimi útočili na epileptiky
Twitter se musel těsně před Vánoci uchýlit k zákazu jistého druhu souborů. Na síti už nemůže sdílet animované PNG soubory, jelikož s nimi někteří lidé cíleně útočili na uživatele trpící epilepsií. Agresivně blikající obrázky u nich měly spustit záchvat.
Twitter o svém rozhodnutí informoval na
Twitter vyzývá k aktualizaci své aplikace pro Android. Ve staré verzi je vážná bezpečnostní chyba
Provozovatel sociální sítě Twitter rozeslal v uplynulých dnech e-mailovou zprávu, ve které vyzývá uživatele k neprodlené aktualizaci své aplikace pro Android. Důvodem je zjištění chyby v zabezpečení účtu, která se vyskytuje ve starších verzích.
O nepříjemnosti Twitter informoval i na svém blogu,